Page 62 of Drowning
And then I pulled out of her, ripped my helmet off, dropped my head, and spread her ass cheeks apart. She shook like fucking crazy as I put my mouth to her gaping hole and dipped my tongue inside her, greedily sucking my cum back out. As I held it in my mouth, I flipped her onto her back and pulled her helmet off.
She had no fucking idea what I was doing, which made it even better.
Squeezing her cheeks with the tips of my fingers, I forced her mouth open and slammed my lips onto hers, spitting my cum between them until it covered her tongue.
With my hand around her throat, twisting her pearls until she couldn't breathe, I kissed her for the second time that night.
She tried to swallow my cum and kiss me back, but the force from the pearls choking her wouldn't allow it. So we swished it back and forth urgently in each other's mouths with each thrust of our tongues. I dominated her mouth with my tongue, unbothered by the salty, bitter taste of my sperm. She gasped for air, letting gooey strings drip from her lips, but she still kissed me back, trying her best to keep up with the fierce movements I teased her with.
I could tell how much she fucking enjoyed it, and shit, I was enjoying it just as much, if not more.
Swept up in the passion igniting between us and the overwhelming desire that coursed quickly through my veins, Itwisted and tugged on her pearls so hard that they broke,finallygiving her the blast of air that she'd been fucking craving. And then, like a good fucking girl—my good girl—she swallowedeverydrop of my cum... thenangrilyshoved me off of her, feeling around her reddened neck in a panic for her pearls that were now scattered in the sand beneath us.
"What the fuck, Kane?!" The angry scream that followed pierced my ears, leaving a ring behind and shattering my fucking heart.
"Shit. I'msosorry, Little One." I shook my head and got to my feet, taking a step back so I was no longer blocking the light that she needed so she could see.
I didn't mean to break them. I knew how fucking special they were to her. It was an unfortunate accident, but Emerson wasn't seeing it that way.
As expected, she fucking lost it on me, her facade finally crumbling as she dropped to her knees in a panic and felt around for the loose pearls, trying to find every single one.
I grabbed her and pulled her up on her feet, holding her shoulders firmly to keep her grounded. I wanted so badly for her to look at me, but she refused for the first time ever. Instead, her teary, wild eyes frantically searched the sand for the ones she knew she still hadn't found.
"I'll find them and I'll fix it for you. I promise," I reassured her, but she wasn't listening to me anymore. Everything I was saying to try and diffuse the situation went in one ear and quickly out the other. There was no fucking talking to her.
Tears fell down her cheeks as she ripped herself out of my grasp, dropping back to the ground in a frantic attempt to find every last pearl. As I listened to her heartbreaking sobs, it fucking dawned on me; it wasn't just about me breaking her necklace.
No, of course it fucking wasn't.
Everything from the last few days was finally hitting her—hard and unforgiving—and she had no idea now how to channel her emotions or deal with the shitty hand that she'd been dealt.
She fucking snapped.
All I could do was stand there and watch as Emerson was engulfed by her emotions, and as much as I wanted to fix things, I knew I fucking couldn't. I didn't know how to fix it. But I had to try to help her, even though what I had done pushed her over the fucking edge.
When she finally found and collected every last pearl from the broken necklace, she stood up and just stared at me with bloodshot, angry eyes. I wanted to say something—anything—to fix things, but the look on her face just silenced me. I felt like a fucking idiot, and I was too busy kicking myself on the inside to even realize that I should be focused on helping her. I'd ruined the little bit of happiness that we had found on this beach, and I knew I would have to find a way to make it up to her if I ever stood a chance of fixing things.
But the look in her eyes told me that she wasn't ready for that. Not fucking yet, anyway.
So I just stood there, swallowing my pride and my embarrassment, as I watched her storm off in the direction of our bikes, leaving me alone on the beach. The moon provided little light, but she was able to find her way.
She didn't fucking look back, not even once, and it fucking hurt; it broke me.
I stood there for a few moments, just watching her go, feeling like an absolute asshole. I wanted to call after her, to run after her and beg for her forgiveness, but I knew that it wouldn't help. There was nothing I could say that would make the situation better; all I could do was pray that she'd come around eventually and that she wouldn't hate me for the rest of our lives.
If I had fucking lost her, then shit, I would be lost too.
So I stood alone on the beach, listening to the sound of her bike as she sped away, feeling the weight of my actions settle over me like a leaden cloak. It was like an anchor sinking me into the sand, leaving me just standing there with no course of action to take.
I needed to give Emerson the space to feel her emotions and to work through them on her own, but it was fucking tearing me apart knowing that she was suffering because of me. I'd fucked up—big time.
I felt bad enough to deny her an orgasm, but breaking her pearl necklace really took the fucking cake. I felt low as fuck—like a total piece of shit.
I didn't know the story behind the necklace and why it was so damn important, but I needed to know—especially now.
But I was determined as fuck to find out the significance and more than fucking willing to dowhateverthe hell it took for her to forgive me.