Page 18 of Trick or Treat
"I know fucking everything, Saint. And I told you, I want her just as bad as you do, and Iwillhave her first." I smirk, knowing I'm getting under his skin, but that's just what we brothers do.
"You're not having her first. I saw her first; she's fucking mine," he bites back with venom in his words, spit flying from his gritted teeth.
His obsessive, compulsiveness is coming out, and he's starting to become manic, which doesn't happen too often. Usually it's me who has constant manic episodes, but he's been having them more often lately, and being off his medication isn't helping the matter.
"You know she's a virgin, right?" His voice is low and shaky, and I can tell he's aroused just talking about it.
"No, I didn't know that," I admit, now wanting to up the ante and have a little fun to lighten his mood.
"Yeah, that's why I fucking want her so bad, Blade."
"I'll fight you for her pussy, Saint, and that's the best I'll give you."
"Fine, a fair fight, though, and it's gotta be before Halloween since we've got plans for her."
"Oh, it will be... But how would you like to go have a little fun now withher?" As the sky fills with brilliant stars and darkens due to the swift, full clouds that disperse in the night, his eyes widen and glisten beneath the crescent moon.
"What kind of fun are you thinking?" He grins, kicking the sole of his boot off the headstone and already walking toward his BMW.
"Bring the fingers with you," I tell him, making his eyes light up even more.
Pleasuresurges through us as we begin the drive and cruise the streets of Salem. My brother's eyes flash with wonder as he guards the severed fingers of the friend we killed for our little troubled angel, ready to use them on her whether or not she realizes it. With a smile playing on his lips, he rubs them between his hands, and I can tell he has a fucking boner. He’s fucking twisted in that way, but I am too, so I can’t say much.
We are absolutely fascinated by blood and horror, so it’s impossible for us not to enjoy what we do. Because of the terrible things we’ve witnessed in war, we've developed some rather odd desires. The girls we've found seem into it at first, but we always take it too far. Depending on whether they want to cooperate or not, we either kill them or set them free. I’m not going to lie; we’ve killed more than we’ve set free. There’s something about feeling the life drain from someone’s body and the way their blood feels like velvet coating my hands... I just can’t seem to get enough of it.
Scarlett seems like the kind of girl who will work with us; she acts as though she would sacrifice anything for forgiveness. As if she’ll go toanylength to be accepted. She appears to be the type of girl who will get down on her knees and suck your dick if you promise her it will get her into heaven. I’m curious what she will do if I tell her I have the power to send her to hell. Because none of us—even her precious soul—are going to heaven, and that's God's honest truth.
The Finger Games
I’ve always felt especially alone during the holidays. With my father serving a life sentence for murdering my mother and no other family to spend them with, I usually spend them with my friends and River, but things are different this year. River has completely left Massachusetts and is not returning my calls or texts, except only to inform me that he’s still alive and just needs some time to gather his thoughts.
Since Melanie won't be back until after New Year's, I’ll have two months to myself while she spends the holidays on a cruise with her family. Just me. Shawn is still missing and most likely dead—if I'm being honest with myself.
With nothing to do and nobody to talk to, I’m going crazy by myself in my apartment. If I wasn’t afraid of being murdered or stalked, I would go to the bar and have a drink or something, but I’m too scared to leave my apartment. I understand that being trapped inside for such a long time is unhealthy, but can I really bring myself to leave?
I’ve been considering going to the location where we buried Carli and simply sitting with her and smoking a blunt there. I need to let go of a lot of pent-up emotions and guilt, so this might be the best place for me to finally atone for my sins.
I grab a joint and my flask, fill it with absinthe, and pull my white hoodie over my head. I fix my black curls so they fall over my shoulders anddown my back, ignoring the uneasy sensation in my bones and the nerves jangling in my stomach. I turn on the entryway light and grab my keys, triple-locking my door behind me.
I start out on my journey to Howard Street Cemetery in the New England end-of-fall weather, keeping my eyes down and my ears perked up, listening for the sound of footsteps to make sure I’m not being followed. I can already smell winter approaching and the impending snowfall as I breathe in.
As I continue to walk, ignoring the winds that are tearing through Salem and the strong currents that cause the street lights to flicker on and off, chills run through my body. As I approach the cemetery, darkness engulfs me. Despite this, I make an effort to maintain my composure. I keep looking to the sides to make sure no one is watching or following me, but so far, I haven’t noticed anything.
I walk through the ancient iron gates and turn to my right, following the concrete path that is strewn with orange and yellow leaves, blown about by ferocious winds that have gotten stronger during the short walk here. I cinch up my sweatshirt even more and continue to move forward in my quest to reach Carli's grave. I can still clearly recall where it is, feeling like it was just yesterday.
As the wind whips tree branches around like something out of a horror film, I continue on the unlit path all the way to the back of the empty cemetery. I take a sip from my flask, trying to get a buzz going to calm the nerves swarming in my stomach, desperate for some relief before I drive myself insane. I look at my phone, and with no word from River, I shake my head, sigh, and pocket it, furious at how he’s handling things.
I understand that his best friend has gone missing, but Shawn was also a friend of mine. In addition to being my friend, Shawn also murdered my best friend and persuaded the rest of us—while intoxicated—to bury her body and keep it a secret so that our lives would not be destroyed by an accident. River acts as if this shit is only affecting him, but it isn't, and that's what irritates me.
Finally, Isit in front of the headstone where Carli's body is buried, sipping more from the flask in my shaky hand. I stretch my legs out in front of me and lie back, resting my head on a pile of leaves and flowers left by whoever came to visit the man Carli is buried with, staring at the pitch black sky with only a handful of twinkling stars visible.
"I miss you, Carli. fuck I miss you, and I'm so sorry for what happened to you."Knowing I’m by myself, I speak freely, hoping Carli will hear me from wherever she is.
I light a cigarette and blow the smoke straight up, causing my vision to become blurry and my eyes to start to water as I watch it swirl into the sky and disperse into the night. When I close them, I hear the sound of crunching leaves behind me. Afraid that someone will be standing over me if I open my eyes, I take a slow, deep breath and keep them closed. That's just my imagination, though. Right?