Page 33 of Trick or Treat
“Exactly.” She shivers from the sensation as I croon in her ear while nipping roughly at her lobe.
When I pull my mouth away from her ear, I catch a glimpse of jealousy in River's eyes, and all I do is smirk, irritating him.
"Wait, what if they don't want this?" He chimes in, trying to come to their defense.
"Do you ladies want to play?" Saint inquires, specifically to Scarlett and Melanie, but primarily to Scarlett.
"Yeah, I do!" Melanie shouts with enthusiasm. In anticipation of her response, we all turn to face Scarlett.
"I do too, River. It sounds like a lot of fun, and that's what we need right now." She continues, attempting to reassure him that everything will be alright.
She's too gullible, which is going to be the fucking death of her…literally. At least we have her consent, but to be fucking honest, it doesn't matter if she consents or not.
"Fine, I'm in too. Who's going to be hunting us?" Riley, Nixon, Saint, and I exchange glances before turning to face the group of unwitting victims, sly grins forming on our lips as our hands itch to grab our knives.
"Me and Saint will be the hunters first." I take a cigarette from my pack and hand it to my brother, watching my little sinner's eyes light up as if she is seeing something she has never seen before.
Shesmiles, her eyes hypnotic as she sweeps them across my face slowly. She moves slowly toward me while licking her lips and tucking her hair behind her ear, as though in a trance.
"Can I have one of those?"
"You smoke?" I ask her, taking another one from my pack, lighting the end as she sticks the filter between her shiny, luscious lips.
"On occasion. I kind of just feel like smoking one right now." I light the cherry with the lighter, creating a lovely orange glow as I watch her puff on the cancer stick.
As she blows the smoke into the air, a smirk appears on her lips and the flame on the zippo goes out.
"You know, those things willkill you. You need to be careful," Nixon remarks in a mocking manner while prodding the fire's hot coals with a long stick.
"Nowadays, anything will kill you. It's getting pretty ridiculous," Melanie chirps as she takes another swig from her beer bottle.
The drugs are running wild through Scarlett's veins as she sits next to me, rocking back and forth and keeping her eyes glued to the stunning sky above. Her wild, large eyes dart back and forth quickly as she tries to remember how to blink.This should be fun.
This trip is unlike anything I’ve experienced in a long time. I recall meeting Carli and Melanie at a frat party when I first started college. Everyone was tripping on mushrooms, so I took some and ate them with Carli,and the rest is history. I clung to her and Melanie all night that night, and we had one of the best trips of our lives. This almost compares to that…almost.
As I gaze at the night sky, everything appears to be stunning. The stars appear enormous as they flicker, as if dancing in the darkness. The sky itself looks like I can reach out and grab it, but deep down I know it's too far away. Everything seems to be moving slowly, and my hearing is incredibly sharp. The leaves rustle as if they were right next to my ear, but they aren't.
As Blade bumps shoulders with mine, a shiver runs down my spine as he tries to jolt me back to the group and out of the delusion that I’m actually running when I’m not. For a brief moment, as I stare at the water, it appears to be snowing, with heavy flakes falling quickly, piling up so high, and posing a threat to engulf us all and bury us alive. But when he wraps his arm around my back and grabs my thigh with a firm squeeze, the terrifying vision of all the snow fades and everything returns to normal.
"You alright, Scarlett?" He beams a smile, and the full moon's dazzling light catches the gleam in his eyes. His voice rings loudly in my ears, and his breath is as hot as the fire in front of us as it tickles the skin on my neck.
"Yes, I'm fine. Is it snowing, or was I seeing things?" I ask timidly, kind of already knowing the answer. Everyone laughs, not at me, but with me, as I chuckle at my own statement.
"It's basically August, Scar," River laughs, finishing his beer. "You're seeing shit, baby."
I cover my face with my hands, trying to contain my embarrassment as everyone breaks out into a fit of laughter around me. Blade tugs on my wrists, yanking my hands away from my face, wanting to see me. A drink is thrust into my hands from Nixon, and I take it with a smile, noticing it's a bottleof water.
"Drink up. You don't want to get dehydrated, trust me. It happens easier than you think." Heeding his advice, we all opt for water while Riley messes with the fire and the brothers get to their feet, clearly ready to start this game they've been talking about.
As I chug the water from the bottle, a wave of heat overwhelms me. As I gaze out at the lake, I hear a voice from behind me tell me to jump in.These damn hallucinations.Still, I get up, put down the water bottle, and begin to move in the direction of the lake, grabbing Melanie's wrist as I go.
"Where are you going?" Saint asks, his voice dripping with intrigue.
"For a quick dip. I feel like I'm burning up," I answer with my back toward them.
"Well, why don't you take those damn clothes off and go in the water in your bathing suit?" I hear Blade ask intriguingly, sending a nervous chill to my bones.