Page 48 of Trick or Treat
"You didn't drive?" I ask, unlocking my car.
"Nah, I walked sinceit's just down the street."
"Yeah, sure." I smile at him and move into my seat as he moves into his, all the while casting a cunning glance my way.
Nothing is said during the five-minute drive home, but a lot is going through my head.I wonder if he knows about Nixon.I curtly smile as I pretend not to notice the subtle glances he gives me from the corners of his eyes while maintaining my focus on the road. Pulling up in front of his building, I put the car in park and grabbed the bag of candy.
"Here's your candy." Ripping it open, I dump half of it on my backseat, giving him the other half still in the bag.
"Thanks again for this," he says as he takes it, grinning dangerously wide that his eyes shine like stolen gems, making him so fucking bad thatheshould be illegal.
"Yeah, thank you too. So, are you coming to the party?" I ask hesitantly, not even wanting to bring it up.
"I am, actually. The four of us are;Melanieinvited us," he says her name as if it burns his tongue, but his smile remains as wide as ever.
There's something about him that I can't explain, but it makes a good girl want to do bad things for him…
"Yeah, she was in charge of the invites. She left me in charge ofeverythingelse." He opens the car door as I roll my eyes, his dark, predatory eyes scanning my body seductively.
"I'm sure it'll turn out great, Scarlett." He gets out of the car and shuts the door, leaning his head against the open window. "I'll see you tonight. Happy Halloween…"
I shiver as he winks at me and slowly backs away from my car, licking his lips. With my heart racing and my panties soaked, I manage to drive away, pulling into the complex right across the street.He's going to be trouble…
Melanie has the music blasting and Marilyn Manson busting from the surround sound we have set up in our apartment when I finally get upstairs, not giving a fuck about the landlord tonight. After putting the candy in the bowl by thedoor, I kick off my shoes and go look for her, assuming she is in her bedroom...
"Hey, you're home!" she yells over the music, hopping into her tight leather pants.
"Yeah, I had to grab candy. Oh, and I ran into Blade at the store." She smiles mischievously as she buttons her pants, her brow arcing perfectly, albeit deviously.
"He's got the hots for you," she exclaims in a whisper, as if it were a secret. "Riley told me."
"Of course, he's going to say that; they're best friendsandroommates.," I scoff, attempting to ignore the pull I feel in my gut just thinking about him.
"It'smorethan that," she continues. "Riley said he'sobsessedwith you," she laughs, pulling on an even tighter shirt that exposes her tits.
"Just drop it, Mel. I'm not looking for anything like that. I'm just looking for a “one night stand”kind of thing."
Her jaw drops at my admission, given that I was always opposed to them before. Lately, I've been ready to have sex, but I'm not sure how to go about just'picking up a guy'for it.
"Girl, he's theperfectone night stand! And if you ever wanna fuck him again, he's just right across the street!" she exclaims and claps her hands as though we have reached some sort of fucking milestone.
"You're making a big deal out of nothing, Mel. Just forget I said anything. I'm going to get ready." She turns around to say something else, but I keep walking, replaying her words in my head.
"Riley said he's obsessed with you."
I shiver, dazedly closing my bedroom door as I make my way to the closet, attempting to master the difficult task of selecting the perfect outfit for tonight.
I won't lie... That's kind of creepy, but Blade doesn't seem creepy. At least not to me…
When I walk into my apartment, the first thing I do is go straight to the kitchen and toss the candy bag into the trash.What a gullible little sinner.I smile as I walk into the living room, where the guys are, of course, watching TV and playing a serial killer game on Xbox.
Dressed in black from head to toe with their masks sitting on their laps, all three of them turned their heads, noticing me standing in the entryway with my hands shoved in my pockets, fidgeting with my Saint Christopher pendant to relax my anxiety about tonight-our master plan is finally happening.
"Where the fuck were you?" Saint sneers, a slight anger coating his deep voice.
"At the store. What the fuck does it matter?" I bite back with venom in my words, mirroring his demeanor.