Page 31 of Reverie
When I finish the last round, Hunter turns to me, drying his hands on a brown paper towel. He walks closer.
“They’re okay?” he says, his eyes never leaving mine but directing his question at Luna.
“Yes, Hunter. She’s doing quite well, all things considered. She just needs to rest and take care of her wound,” Luna says. Pulling a granola bar from her pocket, she adds, “Like I told ya, Hunter. She’sfine.”
Hunter’s jaw ticks, and by the slight quiver of his eyebrow, I can tell he’s about to lose it.
“Great. Everyone out,” Hunter commands in a low voice.
“McScuse me?” Veronica says, and when I whip my head in her direction, her eyebrows are nearly to her hairline. “How about this: How about you explain what the fuck is going on.”
Hunter inhales and exhales slowly. “The less you know, the better,” he says. And that’s the exact wrong thing to say.
“Ha!” Veronica’s voice rises. “Yeah-no. I almost became a bloodstain on your oversized couch monstrosity, so you don’t have the right to tell me, ‘The less you know, the better.’” Veronica’s voice turns mocking as she mimics Hunter’s words.
“Lord above,” Luna mutters from where she reclines against one of the counters.
“Here’s what I know,” Veronica says, seething. “Hold my baby.” She startles me when she unceremoniously places Summer in my good arm.
“After I saved Rio from bleeding out and dying in your goddamn bomb shelter, I learned a few things from him. I learned that you, Hunter Brigham, are connected to some very deep, sinister shit.” Veronica begins to pace, placing her hands on her hips as she circles around the room.
“I also know that you and your best friend Rico Suave have done the idiotic thing of creating a technology you have no control over. Do you even know what’s in your product?” For her last statement, she stops to face Hunter as she interrogates him.
I frown as I track Veronica’s words. Hunter has told me very little about his work.
And is that normal, Winter?
“Me? Personally?” Hunter replies.
“Yes, you! Personally!” she yells.
Summer grunts, and I rock gently from side to side while I shush her, my eyes never leaving the scene in front of me.
“I—” he begins, but when Veronica gives him a withering look, he says, “We have people for that.”
“Mmhmm. And where are those ‘people?’” She makes air quotes, and I don’t think I’ve seen a more sarcastic gesture from a person.
Hunter grumbles in response.
“That’s what I thought. So you’ve basically created the perfect conditions forThe TerminatorPart Seven, and yet you have no real plan to keep it under control.”
“We had a billion-dollar security system—” Hunter begins.
“I. Don’t. Give. A. Flying. Fuckwhatyou had, Hunter Brigham. The fact is today, right now, in this year of our lord and savior Betty White, you have fucked up.”
She points her finger at me. “And you have the nerve and unmitigated gall to pull my sweet, naive sister into your bullshit.”
“Rons…” I say, suddenly very, very tired. “Quit it.”
“Abso-fuckin-lutely not! This man wine, dined, sixty-nined youandgot you knocked upandgot you out here getting shot at—not just shot at,actually shot!”
Veronica yells outright, so when Luna interrupts, I’m grateful. “Well, y’all are a dramatic bunch. Veronica, come check on your charge with me. I hear that Rio really wants to see you.”
There’s a hint of amusement in Luna’s voice, and I’m too tired to keep up with the rest of their conversation.