Page 40 of Reverie
I quirk an eyebrow. “Like what?”
“Fuck if I know,” he says, running an agitated hand through his hair.
“BwP doesn’t matter right now. Especially if these fuckers are about to pull anEnders Game,” I reply.
Leo takes up space on the pillar opposite mine, but it’s Ella who says, “What matters the most right now is figuring out a way to get out of this that doesn’t include anyone being put in direct danger. I don’t want you to die, H. Believe it or not, I’m rather partial to having you around.” She tries to deliver the words as a joke, but her chin trembles shortly before tears start running down her cheeks.
“Shit, sorry,” Ella says. “I shouldn’t be crying right now.” She wipes her eyes with her wrists, and my heart clenches.
“Ellie,” I say, my voice soft. I open my arms, and she hops up to run into them. “It’s okay to cry.”
She lets out a choked chuckle, then says, “Yeah, you’re one to talk.”
I run my knuckles back and forth on the top of her head like I did when we were kids.
“Hey!” she says, laughing.
“That’s better,” I add. “No one is going to die.”
Please. Please, God.
“You’re really not thinking of running, are you?” The look in her eyes shows she’s on the brink of emotional devastation.
I sigh, clapping a hand on each of her shoulders. “I’ll figure out another way. For now, go do something to boost your serotonin.”
She rolls her eyes and says, “Veronica said she found a massive bag of Extreme Sour Patch Kids in the pantry, soooooo see ya later.”
She begins to walk away but stops short. Pivoting on her heel, she crushes me in another hug.
“I love you, H.” And then she’s gone.
Leo and I rest in silence for a moment, breathing the air as the marijuana smoke dissipates.
“We have to destroy Panacea.” Leo’s words couldn’t have stunned me more, not because I don’t know it’s the inevitable end for our key technology, but because he actually said them.
“Are you sure?” My throat burns.
He nods slowly, his gaze far off. “Even with them having it, we can’t let anyone else have it either,” he says.
I drop my head to the pillar. “I know.”
More silence.
“Listen, H. You have a family now. You have August and Winter to think about.”
Yes. Winter and August and Ella and Veronica and fuck, even Kitty.
And another life is growing every day in Winter. An uneasy feeling swells within my chest as I realize that in the craziness of everything, I never did get around to telling Leo about the pregnancy. Winter doesn’t want too many people to know for the next few weeks, but Leoismy best friend, and he should know.
Winter would understand; she’s told Veronica, and I’ve told Ella.
I tilt my head in Leo’s direction.
I don’t know why I haven’t confided in him.
Maybe it’s because you know he’ll ask hard questions that you don’t want to answer.
“Winter’s pregnant,” I blurt out, and if circumstances were different, I’d choke with laughter at the look of shocked confusion spreading across his face.