Page 83 of Reverie
But when I force my lips to form the words, nothing comes out. She goes back to rubbing my hand after placing it on her lap.
“Maybe another day?” she asks.
I clear my throat. “Another day,” I say.
When she begins to pull away, I stop her and place her hand on my chest.
I place her hand where my heart beats for her.
Her smile is near blinding as she settles into me.
I will keep her safe, even if I die doing it.
When I wakeup again four hours later, I let Winter sleep and find August. I’m ashamed that I haven’t spent more time with him. I think about him every day, but when we connect, it’s…awkward.
It’s not August’s fault at all—it’s like I’ve forgotten how to interact with people since I vomited all my emotions in front of everyone in the war room. Winter, Ella, and I sat him down to explain who Misha and Amelia are to him, and he took the information well.
At least, I think so.
But when Ella and Winter left the room and it was just August and I, we sat in an uncomfortable silence for several minutes before he loped off to play his video games with Kittytap-tap-tapping next to him.
I realize now that a big part of me is afraid to be around him. I’m such a fucking mess that I don’t want my darkness to rub off on him.
I don’t want any of this to touch him.
So as a result, it’s been too many days since August and I spoke face-to-face.
Get it together.
As I head toward August’s game room, the thought crosses my mind to find Ella—to see if I can talk some sense into her. We’ve broached the topic of her involvement with this shit a few times over the past near month, but those conversations always end with her storming off and me wanting to hit something.
But Winter is right. She’s a grown woman.
She can make her own decisions, even if they are painful for me to tolerate.
In the back of my mind, I can admit I’m being irrational about this. I’m able to feel what’s at stake here and how much there is to lose.
But the abstract thought of The Legion fracturing our civilization doesn’t compare to the very real danger of losing my sister.
But again, Ella can make her own decisions.
So,mydecision is to step back. Misha and Amelia and Ella can figure all this out on their own.
I’ll just get in the way.
A knot fists in my chest.
I make my way into the kitchen and stop short when I see Veronica and Rio standing close to each other. It’s an innocent scene, but the way they look at each other…I recognize that look.
Veronica jumps away from Rio, putting her hand on the small stroller that holds Summer. Rio doesn’t move at all—he just continues to look at Veronica.
“Hunter,” Veronica says with a cool tone. She’s still cold toward me about all that’s happened, and for good reason.
All the questions and accusations she lobbied against me when we first arrived were very warranted, so she has every right and reason to be angry.
“Good morning, Veronica. Rio,” I say. At his name, the man breaks out of his trance and adjusts his stance, turning toward me.
He tips his chin down in greeting.