Page 9 of Reverie
“Yes,” Hunter snaps. “Get Ella out of here. She doesn’t need to see this.”
“I don’t think…” Leo stops at Hunter’s deadly stare, choosing to take a step back toward the vehicle.
“What the fuck is happening out here!” I would laugh at the perfect timing the Universe gifts us when Ella hops out of the SUV. She takes in the scene before her, her eyebrows slamming down with her severe frown.
“Leo?” she asks, turning toward Hunter’s best friend.
Leo snaps his question-heavy gaze toward Hunter. When he doesn’t answer Ella, she huffs and turns to Hunter.
“Hunter?” Exasperation is clear in her voice and after several silent seconds, she turns to take in the entire group.
Amelia doesn’t move, facing Hunter. Letting him control this moment.
“Um, Mr…?” Ella’s words are cautious as she looks at Misha and the shorter woman to his side. Ella folds her arms over her chest, and she looks so, so lost. The image of her shocked movements in the safe room flashes in my brain.
A deep quaking starts in my chest.
Luna and Misha share a look, and Misha cracks his neck from side to side.
“Fuck it,” he grinds out.
“You better not, Hroshko,” Hunter says.
“Ella, this is your mother,” Misha says, pointing at Amelia.
Ella blinks, scoffing as if Misha made a joke. “What are you talking about?”
Misha rolls his eyes. “Keep up. This woman is your mother, Amelia. Also, I’m your half-brother. It’s a long story that we don’t have time for, so your assistance in getting everyone inside is much appreciated.”
Ella shakes her head, and she turns to Hunter.
“What the hell is he talking about?” she whispers, her voice choked. With agonizing slowness, she turns to face her mother. She takes in the woman in front of her for several long heartbeats and then whirls back to Hunter with sharp movements.
“Is this true, Hunter?” Tears start to crest her lower lids. “Don’t lie to me.”
I watch in slow motion as Ella tries to comprehend the incomprehensible.
“Ella, go inside,” Hunter presses. He’s agitated, and I sense that he’s desperate to keep her separated from this fuckery.
My arm throbs along with my head.
“Our mother is dead,” Ella says. Her words are heavy as she lowers her eyes to stare at the gravel beneath Hunter’s feet.
Hunter doesn’t respond to Ella’s statement.
Squaring her shoulders, she lifts her head, and her face is dry. A prevailing emotion shines from her eyes: Hope.
She turns to Amelia. “You’re…alive.”
Amelia sucks in oxygen as if she’d been holding her breath since she “died.” She takes one step and then another until he’s close to Ella.
She turns her body away from Ella, hiding her scarred side from her daughter’s focus.
“M-mom?” Ella says. Wide-eyed, Ella raises a trembling hand to Amelia’s matching black hair.
But when Amelia’s face cracks and she touches Ella’s cheek, I watch as Ella starts to break.
“Ellie girl,” Amelia whispers. “You don’t know how much I’ve missed you.”