Page 39 of Stone Cold Touch
“If you need anything, please let me know,” she said directly to Zayne as she stopped before one of the high-back booths.
He smiled. “Will do.”
I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. Stacey and Sam were already inside the restaurant, sitting side by side in a booth big enough to seat six. They were cute, though. Sam with his wavy hair brushing the edges of his glasses, and Stacey sitting with her hands clasped on the table. I really hoped that whatever they were embarking on worked out.
And involved mutual finger licking.
Zayne slid in first, and Sam sat up straighter. I hid my grin as I sat down next to Zayne. “Sorry we’re a little late.”
“That’s okay,” Stacey said. “We’ve been munching on breadsticks.”
“Probably would’ve been quicker to walk.” Zayne leaned back, draping his arm along the top of the burgundy cushion behind us. “But there’s no way I’m leaving my baby parked along the street.”
The mention of Zayne’s car sparked Sam’s interest and he immediately launched into a conversation about the Impala. Stacey and I both stared at the boy. I guess we’d been expecting him to start hyperventilating, but he played it cool.
After the waitress arrived to take our drink orders, Sam waved a breadstick like a wand, sprinkling garlic all over the checkered tablecloth. “Did you know the reason they went with a Chevy Impala onSupernaturalwas because a body would fit in the trunk?”
My brows furrowed.
Zayne handled it like a pro. “I’m pretty sure you can stash two bodies in the trunk.”
Sam grinned, but then his gaze flickered up at the same second Zayne stiffened beside me. There was a change in the eatery, a shifting of the air on an unnatural level. Beside me, Zayne stretched, craning his neck, and I knew the second I heard his swift curse under his breath. Iknew,even though it didn’t make sense.
Across from me, Stacey’s brows shot up. “Um...”
I closed my eyes as Ifelthim stop beside the table.
“Fancy meeting you guys here,” Roth said, and dark humor dripped from every word. “All together.”
When I forced my eyes open, he was still there. He winked when he caught my gaze, and I wanted to do what that teacher had done this morning.
“Hey, Roth.” Sam gave him a little wave. “You want to join us? There’s more than enough room.”
My mouth snapped open, but before I could say a word, Roth slid into the seat beside me. I stared at Stacey, who looked as though she needed a bucket of popcorn.
“How convenient that you find yourself here,” Zayne replied. His arm was still draped along the back of the booth, but he leaned forward, dropping his other arm on the table. “With there being, I don’t know, thousands of restaurants in the city.”
Roth’s lips curled up as he stretched out, folding his arms. Somehow, stuck between the two of them, the booth suddenly felt like a one-seater. “I guess I’m just lucky.”
“The statistics of him accidentally ending up here are rather slim,” Sam murmured to himself while Stacey slowly turned to him. “But it is right down the street from school, so that ups the probability.”
My eyes widened. Oh no, save the baby pandas! I hadn’t told Zayne about Roth attending school. After Roth had been snared in the demon’s trap and vanished, I hadn’t seen the point.
“What does that have to do with anything?” Zayne asked.
No one at the table besides Roth knew any better and someone was about to blab it, so I jumped in, figuring it was better if it came from me. “Roth goes to our school.”
Zayne’s body locked up beside me.
I dared a peek at him. He was staring at Roth. “Is that so?” he murmured.
“You guys don’t know each other?” Stacey asked.
The muscles along Zayne’s forearm flickered. “We’ve met a time or two.”
Roth smiled broadly. “Good times, too.”
Oh God...