Page 36 of Fierce-Zander
“Don’t you go out with friends?”
“Not often,” she said. No reason to say she didn’t have a ton of friends that were single. Or that she had much in common with them.
She wasn’t someone to go to a club and pick a guy up.
“Here they come,” he said and turned his head to look at her quickly so he wasn’t seen.
It didn’t appear as if the couple even noticed her, but they weren’t holding hands or doing anything romantic. More like two people walking in at the same time.
“They didn’t come in the same car,” she said. “They came from different directions.”
“Yes,” he said. “And it’s a different guy than from last week.” He pulled his phone out and snapped two pictures before she could realize he’d done it. Talk about sneaky. It didn’t even look as if he was doing anything more than looking at his phone.
“Hmmm,” she said.
“What are you thinking?” he asked.
“I’ll let you know when we can hear more,” she said.
They got out and went into the pub behind the couple. The hostess showed them a table so that Zander’s back was to the woman’s and Regan could see the man’s face.
He pulled his phone out and leaned forward, “What’s your number?”
She grabbed his phone and put her number in it and sent herself a text. Hers went off so she had the text chain started and pulled it out of her purse.
He got his phone back and texted:Sorry about this, but just send me any ideas you have. We’ll talk more after we leave.
She typed back:No worries. You don’t want them to hear us.
“How is your father doing working with you?” she asked. She figured she couldn’t say what he did but had to come up with something to talk about too.
Zander grinned. “He’s loving it. Some of it is grunt work, but it’s keeping him busy.”
The server came over and took the drink order of the couple behind Zander. A beer and a glass of wine. Then moved over and got theirs. They did the same thing.
Regan couldn’t hear much going on, but she could see the guy’s face and he wasn’t looking at the woman as if there was a sexual relationship at all. Not even as if he was attracted to her.
“That’s good,” she said. “I’m not sure I could have either of my parents working for me.”
“Why is that?” he asked.
She picked her phone up and texted what she observed.No romance in the guy’s eyes.
He replied:They are talking about sports.
She pursed her lips.She’s much more attractive than he is.
He laughed:Kind of like her marriage.
She frowned. She’d have to think on that a bit more.
“My parents are divorced and remarried. They get along great. Almost like friends. It’s annoying.”
“Annoying?” he asked.
Maybe she shouldn’t have started this. It’s not like she wanted to talk about her parents' failed marriage that made no sense to her.
But she brought it up. “Long story,” she said. “One that might be hard right now with other things going on.”