Page 38 of Fierce-Zander
“Baiting him to leave her? He can’t claim she is cheating because there is no evidence of it.”
“Do they have a prenup?” she asked. “She could be very smart and get him to leave her and she’d still get her cut because she isn’t doing anything wrong other than going to dinner with friends.”
He pulled his phone out and started to type. “I’ll find that out too. Thanks,” he said. “Now...let’s talk about us.”
“Us?” she asked, lifting her eyebrow.
Zander knew he was putting her on the spot, but that was what he did best.
She came to him like he hoped and now it was time to see where this could go, if anywhere.
“Yes,” he said. “We’ve had two dates now.”
“Dates?” she asked, grinning. She was playing with him, he could see that. Or maybe having fun.
Both things he hadn’t expected from her personality.
He had to admit he was pleased over it since most times she was so professional.
Nice to know she could cut loose a bit.
“You know we have. Takeout in my office. Then you came to me for dinner tonight.”
She laughed. “You’re right. What is it we need to discuss? Rules? Guidelines? I know some have thought I’m stuffy, but I’m not that rigid.”
“I’m not so sure stuffy is the word that I’d use to describe you.”
“Oh,” she said. “Do tell me what words you’d use.”
“This isn’t going to turn into a session, is it?” he asked, grinning. Then was disappointed she caved so quickly and her smile faded.
“Sorry,” she said. “We got off track.”
“No,” he said. “We didn’t. Now I want to know why I just changed your mood on our date.”
“Why?” she asked. Their desserts and coffee were brought out that they’d ordered when the server had been over before.
“So I don’t make the same mistake again.”
“It’s not a mistake,” she said.
“Sure, it is. I don’t want to turn you off.”
“Not sure you can,” she said. “What you said was more of a reminder.”
“Reminder of what?” he asked. He picked his fork up and cut into the rich chocolate cake in front of him. She’d gotten strawberry shortcake.
“That at times men think I’m trying to turn a date into a session. That isn’t the case. It’s hard to have a conversation and not have someone thinking I’m digging for a deeper meaning. It’s just small talk.”
That hadn’t occurred to him and he wasn’t sure why. It’s not like he hadn’t experienced the same thing.
“Just so you know. You aren’t alone there. Maybe that is why I’m drawn to you.”
Her head snapped up and her mouth closed while she quickly chewed her bite of dessert. “Drawn to me?”