Page 65 of Fierce-Zander
“Let me know what they say.”
She started to get some work done while she heard Miles on the phone out front. She could tell by his disappointment it wasn’t working out.
He came in a minute later. “Nothing. It was bought with a prepaid Visa card.”
She didn’t like that either. More secrets by doing it that way, but for now she was going to just keep her eyes open. “We tried,” she said.
“I wonder if it’s from someone you saw this week,” Miles said. “I’m going to go through the client list and make notes and start to keep an eye on them when they come in too. Some chat me up.”
“You do that,” she said, smiling. She didn’t want to be worried about this even though itwason the creepy end. Miles was good at finding things out so hopefully he could narrow this some too.
When the phone rang out on Miles’s desk, he returned to get it, and she got up, shut her door and got ready for her next video call. She had several today and found it worked out well. Better than having the recordings to listen to afterward.
At the end of the day, Miles popped his head into her office. The door was open. “You’re not working late, are you?”
“I’m finishing up now,” she said. “You can leave the door unlocked. I’ll be out in ten minutes or so.”
“Nope. I’m locking it after me. I’ve got a list of the people that were here this week and my notes. Even the couples. Maybe one of the guys is complimenting and flirting with you at the same time.”
She forced a smile. “I doubt it, but you never know.”
“I want to think it’s someone new,” Miles said. “It makes no sense to be someone that you see regularly.”
“I’m not going to put a lot of brain power into this,” she said. “It’s just flowers.” Or so she was trying to tell herself so Miles and she both moved past it for now.
But it wasn’t just flowers fifteen minutes later when there was a knock at the glass door to her office and Zander was standing there.
She got up and unlocked it to let him in.
“Hi,” she said. “I wasn’t expecting you.”
“Everyone is gone and I just got a call from Justin. Guess his wife is going out tonight last minute for work. Care to join me?”
“I’d love to,” she said. Great way to spend some time with him and it was fun the last time they went out. “Do I need to change or have time to change?”
“Nope,” he said. “Sorry. We need to go now so I can get there early and make sure we are put by their table and if not figure out how to get close enough to hear what is going on.”
“Let me get my purse and laptop,” she said. “Do you want me to follow you there?”
“We can ride together,” he said. “You’d have to come back this way to go home so you can get your car then. Miles getting flowers from men now?”
She laughed and decided maybe it wouldn’t hurt to tell him. “I got them. I just don’t know from whom.”
He frowned and moved over to get the card off of it. “Someone sent you flowers with this note and you don’t know who it is? Sounds like a date and not a client.”
“It’s creepy. I know. Miles even mentioned I should tell you about it.”
“Were you going to?” he asked.
“I just did,” she said. “And I was going to the next time I saw you. Which is at dinner tonight if it came up since you’re working.”
“Does Miles know we are dating?” he asked.
“No. I haven’t told anyone. I’m assuming Betsy doesn’t know or she’d say something to Miles.”
“She would,” he said. “Does Miles bring my name up a lot?”
She felt the heat fill her face. “He does. Why? Are you worried he’s looking at you? He is, but he knows you aren’t his type.”