Page 88 of Fierce-Zander
“I’ll let you tell them then as I’ve got work to do. I’ll talk to you later. You can fill me in.”
“Trust me,” she said. “There won’t be much to say different than what I expect.”
“Tell me what you expect,” he said.
“That both my parents will be accepting of the fact I’m dating. They may or may not change their tone of voice in excitement or happiness. My father won’t ask to meet you, my mother might. Kellen most definitely will.”
“You’re telling your brother too,” he said.
“I’m calling him first. I should check in with him to see how he is doing anyway. We’ve only been texting.”
“You need moral support,” he said. “Don’t you?”
“Maybe just a little. Kellen will appreciate the move.”
He snorted. “You’re the sly one. You don’t need it, but you want your brother to think you do. Why?”
She sighed. “Becauseheneeds to think it. He’s worried he moved away from me and I’m close in location to our parents. I can handle them just fine.”
“By avoiding them,” he said.
“Touché,” she said.
“I know you better than you think I do.”
“And I’m coming to like that too,” she said.
“Was I able to give you some moral support just now?” he asked.
“You did,” she said. “And from you, I wanted it.”
“You’ve got a boyfriend?” Kellen asked five minutes later.
“I do,” she said. “Why are you so surprised?”
“Not surprised that you do as much as you’re telling me. You don’t normally tell me when you’re dating. I’m not sure the last time I even knew you dated someone.”
“It’s been a while,” she admitted.
“Tell me about this guy. How you met. His name. What he does. Then how he treats you.”
“You should have started with how he treats me and how it makes me feel,” she said. “The rest is meaningless.”
“It always has meaning,” Kellen said. “Mom and Dad treated each other great. At least for the world to see.”
He always found a way to bring that up. “Good point, but we know I’m not Mom or Dad.”
“Thank God for that.”
“His name is Zander Conway. He’s a private investigator and has his own firm next to my office. That is how we met. He used to be a police officer. His father is a retired police captain and working with him now part time. His mother is the DA.His sister is an ADA. He’s got a great relationship with his family. His mother wants to meet me so I’m going there for Thanksgiving.”
“That is a mouthful and more than I expected you to volunteer.”
“There is no reason not to.”