Page 133 of Fierce-Dane
She was still fragile and petite. At one point he loved that he could care for her.
Now he was happy he had a woman in his life who could care for herself.
That he could have a partner and not someone else dependent on him.
“You called me that on our first date. I liked the way it sounded. It wasourthing. I just didn’t want anyone else to have it. I wanted it for us.”
Just like she didn’t want anyone else to want him.
“It’s a name,” he said. “And something you focused on when maybe we should have focused on other things. Mel, there was no hope for us. Neither of us was happy and I saw no way to get there. I gave you what you asked for. For years you’ve seemed happy. The kids too. Now all of a sudden I’m dating someone and you’ve changed.”
“So have you,” Mel argued.
“Yes,” he said. “No, that’s wrong. I haven’t changed. I’m finally able to be the person I always was and not worry anymore. That is the thing when you love someone. You don’t worry about those things anymore. I’m sorry you feel this way, but it’s something you’re going to have to work out. The kids are happy and that is my main concern.”
“You don’t care if I’m upset or happy?” she asked.
“I used to,” he said. “And we still ended up divorced. I can’t let it suck me in anymore. I care if you’re happy because it reflects on the kids. But I don’t care if you’re not happy that I’m dating a wonderful woman who treats thekids well. Someone who they like, as you just heard. And someone I love. No, I’m not sorry and I don’t care if you don’t like it. Maybe you should learn to live with the choices you made just as I have.”
Mel turned and walked out of the house after that, and as he’d said, he didn’t care that she was upset.
It needed to be said and they’d work it out the best way they could...for the kids.
“Thanks for meeting this late,” Sloane said to Zander two weeks later.
“Never a problem,” Zander said. “Did you have a good Thanksgiving?”
“I did,” she said.
Normally she spent Thanksgiving alone.
Not this year. This was the first year she’d had a big holiday celebration. She was happy to be able to give it to Shiloh too.
She and Shiloh had been invited to Dane’s parents’ house. They ate early and the kids went to their mother’s later that afternoon.
Holidays were normally split, she found out.
She knew about the fight that Dane had with Mel two weeks ago. She didn’t think he had it in him to say what he had and was thrilled that he did.
That he wasn’t this pushover he always said he was.
“That’s good,” Zander said. “I’ve got information for you. Sorry it’s taken so long, but it’s hard when it’s in anotherstate and tracking people down. Not everyone gets back to you via email or calls.”
“I know,” she said. “I didn’t expect you to find anything but knew I had to try.”
“I did find things out,” he said. “Enough.”
“You found out who Shiloh’s father is?” she asked. She wasn’t sure why her heart was racing, but there was this fear that Shiloh could be taken from her now.
They were just getting into a routine and her sister felt safe and comfortable.
They’d both been tested for Lyme disease and came back negative.