Page 60 of Fierce-Dane
He turned and went to the front porch and she shut the door behind them. “Ethan was only joking.”
“I don’t care,” he said. “He can keep his jokes to himself.She’s seven. Kids believe what they want to believe and don’t know the difference. You know as well as I do she just made a spectacle of coming to see me at the door. There is a reason for it.”
“She’s at a tough age,” Mel said. “She wants to be with you when she’s here. Or she wants to be with me nonstop when she’s here. She isn’t giving me time to breathe.”
“Why am I hearing this now? And you’ve got four days without the kids to breathe. How much more do you want?” It’s not like married couples had that luxury.
One he didn’t even like having.
Though now that he had a girlfriend, he did find it nice to not worry or stress he was taking time away from them or sending them to a sitter.
Maybe Mel was doing that, but the kids hadn’t said a word and he wouldn’t ask.
“It’s not that,” Mel argued. “I do see Ethan when I don’t have the kids.”
“But he’s here today and you do have them tonight,” he said. “And that is your choice. We’ve talked before about the fact I’d like to meet any man you introduce to the kids, but I’ve never held you to it.”
She pursed her lips. “It’s only been two. And you met Ian.”
“I did,” he said. “Before the kids. That was fine. I helped you when Ian met the kids too.”
She let out a sigh. “You did. But I don’t need you to help me introduce someone to the kids. It’s not like I did it right away.”
“Not that I’m aware of,” he said. Since she did it this time without forewarning him. Did he know about Ethan? He did, for about a week. Then the kids met the guy and he was left answering questions he didn’t want to deal with. “But I do know they are talking about him and not in a good light.”
“You told me. He is only kidding with them. He’s not over often, but when he is the kids want my attention nonstop. We try to do things as a family, but he’s not used to the kids.”
He ground his teeth. He didn’t need to hear that some other man was doing things with his kids as a family. “Mel.”
“You know what I mean. I try to include everyone. I wanted the kids to warm up to him. It’s just they don’t get Ethan’s sense of humor.”
“I’m going to guess he doesn’t have kids since you said he’s not used to them?”
“No,” Mel said. “He’s uncomfortable around them. He wants them to like him and maybe he’s trying too hard. I told him to relax.”
“I can appreciate all that. Maybe he should start by not criticizing a seven-year-old though.”
“I’ll talk to him about it,” Mel said, sighing. “He’s been wanting to meet you.”
“It’s the first you’ve said it.”
“I thought maybe you could talk to the kids for me.”
“Nowyou want me to do it?” he asked. “When they’ve already formed an opinion?”
“I’m sorry. I’m trying to keep them in mind.”
“I’ll talk to them the next time I see them. What am I supposed to tell them? That he’s a great guy when they know I just met him?”
“I handled it wrong. I get it. There was a reason we did things differently with Ian. I guess I thought they were so accepting of him that it wouldn’t be a problem.”
Dane snorted. “They are kids. They’ve had three men in their life now with their mother. Tiffani still sleeps with abunny and Tyler with a cat. You think they can understand why Mommy has another man in their life who wants her attention when they are around? Give me a break and open your eyes.”
Mel’s jaw dropped.
He’d never talked to her like this before. Not the words or the tone.
He wasn’t even sure where it was coming from other than he knew it needed to be said.