Page 105 of Jay's Silence
When he disappeared under Tyson’s bulk, my heart stopped. Even my dragon stilled as everything we should have said to each other screamed at me.
He could have died.
But he hadn’t.
My heart fluttered. I looked at the ceiling without seeing it and pieced together what happened before I passed out.
Most of Lux had been trapped under one of Tyson’s dragon butt cheeks. Rehan and my combined strength wasn’t enough to free him. We still needed the rings off the jewelry-covered mage, and in the end, we risked freeing Drukpa by having Tyson shift.
Lux, fully scaled, hadn’t been happy, but he’d been strong enough to shift, erasing the damage done to his human form.
Drukpa was not as lucky. Although his shields might have saved him from breaking every bone in his body, his love of accessories took him out. We found one of his spikier braceletslodged into his left eye and several of the gem-studded necklaces embedded into his chest.
Jay and Rehan managed to free Tenzin and remove the necklace from Caoimhe. Immediately, the nymph’s gaze focused on her mate. She rushed forward with tears streaming down her face.
Tenzin was in bad shape. Drukpa’s spell had soaked into Tenzin’s very essence, and he couldn’t shift. It was a minor miracle his human body survived the gunshots. I’d pushed my healing magic into the young fire dragon until I fell unconscious.
Someone must have put me here with Lux?
The too-beautiful-for-his-own-good air prince stirred. One of his hands ran down my leg to rest on my thigh. My heart raced, and my mind spun with questions. Had he chosen to lie here? Or had Jay put his unconscious body with mine? Had he been unconscious?
My conversation with Tyson before all this went down circled in my mind. The fire prince didn’t think anything I’d done was wrong. He’d been infuriatingly helpful and, unfortunately, right. Curse or not, we were a group of five. And that was complicated.
I needed to uncomplicate it.
Lux stirred again. His hand drifted closer to my too-large dragon dick, hidden in my boxers. I reached down and brushed his shoulder to wake him. He stretched, grazing my dick, and it rose to attention like a fucking jack in the box.
“I’m so sorry,” I scrambled back.
Lux sat up, bare-chested, blinking and rubbing the sleep out of his big eyes.
“Did Jay stick you in here?” I asked.
Lux stretched his neck, managing to look incredibly sexy even with his longish locks tangled and compressed oddly on his head. If I still questioned whether I was bisexual or not, this solidified it for me.
“She didn’t,” Lux answered. “We need to talk, so I invited myself. Are you upset?”
I glanced at my erection, not hidden at all by the sheets I’d pulled over my boxers. “I think the opposite, really.” Heat filled my cheeks.
Lux blushed too. “I’m still figuring myself out.”
I put out a hand. “Of course, I shouldn’t have…“
“No, you should have,” Lux cut me off. “I was rutting, and if my dragon didn’t want it, we would have said no. My only regret is not talking to Jay and you sooner.”
I let out a relieved breath. “Me too. I, um, got a lot of pleasure out of the experience.”
Lux blinked at me as if unsure what to do with that information. “I guess I just assumed you did, as you did it all night.”
“Ah, right,” I prepared a spell to bury myself in the ground.
“But, just to be clear, for now at least, it’s Jay.” Lux smiled as he said her name. “I want to fool around with you, but with Jay between us, or maybe watching.” Lux ducked a bit. “I don’t know. I just…I feel like we’re losing her, even though we never had her. She’s so convinced our feelings aren’t real.”
I gestured to my dick. “Ignore him. He’s just excited all the time. I also want us to revolve around Jay. Jay was the reason I stepped in.” I wrinkled my nose. “I lost myself in a rut, and it left me with three days of hazy memories and a lot of regret. I didn’t want your first time with our girl to be, well, that.”
Lux reached out and gripped my shoulder. “Thank you.” He released me. “Speaking of Jay, where has our mate gotten off to?”
I felt for our bond, which tugged me North. Lux tilted his head in the same direction.