Page 118 of Jay's Silence
I wrinkled my nose. “That is not a safe assumption.”
“Shall I assume you have this under control?”
“Well…” I grimaced.
My phone madly buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out and found multiple text messages from DPT’s alert system. I swore and raced for the computer. A platoon of footsteps followed me.
I had DPT up in moments. A single dot over Africa had turned red, and the chat was full of speculation about where it landed. As we watched, three more fell. I zoomed in, finding seven now missing from their original positions. A quick search showed the epicenter of the drops to be a safari camp on the outskirts of Maasai Mara National Reserve in the Sahara Desert.
“Bradly Cooper used your credit card on a purchase in Kenya, very close to the Masai Mara last night.”
“And you didn’t tell me?” I exclaimed.
“I updated you by text,” Bentley said evenly.
I picked up my phone and found a text I’d missed during our sex-a-thon.
“Why Africa?” Rehan asked.
“The Masai Mara has little supernatural presence.” My account answered. “No organized mortal police force. And enough space to conduct any experiment one could wish to perform. I would find the location advantageous, if overly sunny, for my situation.”
“He needs me back on the island,” I said. I didn’t know if it was true, but it fit. “He could be dropping demons to draw me out.”
“Then we shouldn’t go to Africa,” Lux stated.
Another dot turned red and zoomed toward Masai Mara.
“I think we have to.” I turned to Bentley. “Could we make use of your portal master?”
Bentley inclined his head. “She’s at your disposal, though she will be unable to accompany you further.”
“We’ll take it,” I turned to my guys. “Grab a pack and be back in the vault in five. We’re heading to Africa.”
My accountant’s portal spit us out in the middle of the luxury base camp I’d seen online. We found four log cabin-style buildings with picturesque decks baking in the late morning sun. The heat beat down on our shoulders. Although I immediately wilted, my guys turned their faces to the sun and basked.
They looked incredible. It took me precious seconds I didn’t know if we had to pull my gaze away from them. Although glimpses of the Sahara peeked between buildings, the back two and the front of two faced us. At first glance, nothing appeared out of place, so I addressed my mates.
“This means left,” I moved my hand as I spoke. “This means right. Stop. Go. And help!” I jumped up and down, waving my arms.
Everyone but Rehan chuckled. My too-serious water dragon crossed his arms over his chest.
“We were terrible at working together, but we’re working on it, right?” I nodded sharply and didn’t wait for them to agree. “We’ll check this entire place. Do not pass a door without opening it. One person opens the door, while another stands infront of it, ready to defend.” I locked gazes with Tyson. “No one opens another door until we know the room we’re in has nothing in it, got it?”
Tyson put his hands in the air, clearly having no memory of our search in Scalehive.
Although I put Rehan at our front, he and Tyson played a quick game of rock-paper-scissors, and Tyson ended up in the lead.
I let it go. At the end of the day, both would do a good job.
You’re a changed woman, Jay.
At the first building, they followed my instructions flawlessly. Tyson broke the lock and pushed open the door while Rehan wordlessly went in with a glob of water in each palm. Lux entered next, keeping his back to Rehan so nothing surprised the water dragon from behind.