Page 13 of Jay's Silence
Tyson’s eye twitched. “I think the biggest dick has been established.”
“Hey!” Og said, clearly unsure if he should be offended or puff out his chest.
I sighed.
Og pushed off the bar and started pacing. “Just to recap. Rehan’s with his family, and he knows you’re with us. Every person at the EM got an email from me with your account of how you got here. Including your writing in draconic at Tyson’s condo, the supply list you asked Rehan for, and pictures of our questions and answers from my lab.”
I wrinkled my nose.
Information is power, and Og just gave a lot of it to everyone.
Does anyone still speak draconic?
Tyson pushed his phone under my nose with Rehan’s final text sitting in the center.
Rehan:Mate or not, Jay needs my help. And I want to help her.
My heart pinched. Despite everything, Rehan was sticking by me. They all were. I’d bet money Lux would as well when we found him.
This is what real friends do.
No, not real. Cursed. This is what people who’ve lost their free will do.
My inner voice snorted, actually snorted at me.
Because life is about only acting for personal gain? That’s why you stepped away from the supernatural world instead of trying to rule it.
Do you know how much work world domination is?
Thankfully, the theme song from the nineties cartoon ‘Pinky and the Brain’ kicked off, obliterating my inner argument. I blinked at my hand, my fingers still curled like I was holding a phone, but the phone was missing.
“I wrote: We’re rescuing Parakeet. Any ideas?” Tyson glanced up from his texting.
I scratched my elbow, trying to cover for my space out. Parakeet must be Lux, and lacking a plan, Tyson texted Rehan asking for one. I stood, taking control of the situation instead of trying to figure out if I missed more than that. “We need to find Lux,” I stated the obvious.
Both their phones plinked, and I peeked over Og’s shoulder.
Rehan:Lux is somewhere in the castle.
Rehan:The EM is back in session.
Rehan:Tukaqu’s keeping everyone accountable.
Ogden:How’s he doing that?
Rehan:I think he’s just talking in everyone’s heads constantly until they give him the information he needs.
I chuckled. “It’s what old people do. Once you live long enough, you realize everything is just a matter of time and persistence.”
“I liked it better when you couldn’t talk,” Tyson grumbled.
I grinned and wiggled my eyebrows at him. Both their phones plinked, stealing their attention. I blinked twice. Shit. Magic and technology. We had both at our disposal. I stumbled up the dimly lit spiral stairs leading to the top floor. My gaze landed on a set of cubbies at chest height.
Tyson and Og’s footsteps followed me.
“The Water Worm thinks he can get us a computer,” Tyson explained as we walked. “The schematics for the castle have to be somewhere. It will help us find Lux. I’m not the best hacker, but I’ll give it a shot.”
I opened the doors of the cubbies, not acknowledging Tyson, and dusty metal glinted. “Jackpot.”