Page 31 of Love Me Forever
“I think I was…four? What?”
Remus was trying not to laugh at the image of a four-year-old Sébastien pouting and refusing to take a bath. “You, as a kid. I imagine you tended to be quite stubborn if you didn’t want to do something.”
Remus sat on the edge of the bed. “I’m not sure if she dislikes me or if she’s shy and simply more attached to you.”
“I don’t think she dislikes you. You are big, and I don’t think she’s been trusting of many lately. Especially after today. How would you feel if a random man grabbed you and demanded you beg to give him money?”
“What exactly happened earlier?”
Sébastien told him everything. Remus wasn’t surprised that the bastard had met his end with a slit throat. He’d deserved it. Technically, it was right to have a trial, but no one was going to whine about Sébastien dealing with the guy in a faster way.
It took a disgusting man to enslave a little girl and try to use her. No wonder Sébastien had hastily decided to bring her home with no room for budging in his mind. Remus put his arm around Sébastien since the ordeal had likely reminded him of his past.
“It makes my skin crawl to think that if I hadn’t been there at that exact time, I wouldn’t have seen anything.”
“You’d have come home, and we would have gone about our day.” Remus didn’t like to think of it either. Abuse and horrible things went on all of the time in secret, and they couldn’t save everyone. At least they’d spared one.
“I was thinking I’ll make a list tomorrow,” said Remus. “The seamstress can come here, and right now, she pretty much has nothing.”
“Okay. Are you properly washing up in there?”
“Yes!” Éloïse called.
“After you put her to bed, do you want to have a glass of wine and relax on the balcony?”
“You know, we’ll take turns with this stuff later, right? You’re not going to be doing everything even if she stays more with you in the next few days. It’s only to help her feel more secure since she likes you more.”
“I figured you’re not that sort.”
Éloïse finally came out with her hair dripping. “I can’t reach the buttons.”
The small flaps on the back of the nightgown for her wings to fit through were hanging open, and Sébastien buttoned them for her. “Go get the drying sheet and your comb.”
She ran back with the items and climbed onto the bed so her hair could be better dried. “I only want you to comb my hair,” she declared.
“Remus could do it later.”
“No,” she said in a tone that was quite final.
“Éloïse, do you ever remember a man being around when you were little?” asked Sébastien. “Perhaps he left for several hours during the day and came home in time for dinner?”
“What about a woman?” asked Remus.
“What did your Mama do for work?” asked Sébastien.
“She cleaned houses.”
“What did you do all day?” he asked.
“I went with her. I had to be real quiet and stay out of the way.”