Page 41 of Love Me Forever
“No sleeping yet.”
Sébastien, with his eyes closed, let out a small laugh. “Trust me, I’m not. I want to marry the man I love, not sleep.”
Remus leaned over and kissed him. “I love you too.”
Sébastien suddenly jumped and drew up his legs. Void’s head popped up over the side of the bed as he glared at them. He’d grown a little bigger and loved sharpening his nails on every piece of furniture in the house.
“I felt something cold on my foot,” said Sébastien. “It was his nose.”
Remus chuckled as the kitten swished his tail and headed for the door with his ears back. “I didn’t know he was under there.”
Sébastien laughed and flopped back. “I almost feel sorry for him. He had to hear all of that.”
“Poor Void.”
“It’s payback for what he did to the drapes downstairs.”
“Aww, he didn’t mean that.”
Even though they’d been living and sleeping together, they took separate carriages since that was common. Lord Rochefort and Maxime went ahead to the Temple with Éloïse. Remus went next to wait on one side. Bushes acted like walls near the side so he was hidden from the streets which were packed. Plenty had traveled to see Sébastien and Remus marry. Despite the past animosity between their two Kingdoms, there didn’t seem to be any problems now. At least not openly.
With them marrying and being coronated, it meant real peace. Sébastien certainly wouldn’t be starting a war with Rowland now.
The Temple had been readied, and one of the Mages draped a veil over Remus’s head when it was nearly time. Marriage customs varied a little by country, but the veil was done by everyone. It was simple, white, and tasseled.
“Don’t mess with it,” warned the High Mage. “The last dozen Kings before you have worn that same veil when they married, and we’d like it to last.”
Remus was tempted to say he felt a sneeze coming to see if one would quickly take it off of him, but he didn’t. The cloth was sheer so he could make out shapes although all details werelost. The Mages left him for a few moments, and he imagined Sébastien on the other side being warned about his veil.
Finally, a Mage returned and brushed his arm. “Your Majesty?”
Remus allowed himself to be led forward. Once inside the Temple, the cheering grew louder, and pops sounded from somewhere. Rose petals squished under his boots, and from near the front, he could just make out the shape of Lord Rochefort, Maxime, and Éloïse. He walked straight. Sébastien, also coming toward him, had dressed entirely in white, and he could make out a few glints of silver trim.
The last time he’d been in the Temple with him, they’d been enemies. If anyone had told Remus back then that he’d return to marry the Prince, he’d have laughed until his stomach ached. Now, he couldn’t imagine life without Sébastien as his husband.
They stopped in front of the altar to link hands. Sébastien squeezed his as they faced it, and the people quieted a little to watch. The High Mage started praying to Elira in a low voice, and a blue flame appeared in the center of the altar near a couple of things that Remus couldn’t quite make out.
“Kneel,” he commanded.
Sébastien and Remus got down on one knee as the High Mage continued praying. The other two brought around a cup and a silver bottle.
“Mix your futures.”
They had to pour a little of the wine into the cup while trying to not spill it since it was hard to see. Sébastien lifted his veil a little to drink before he passed it to Remus. The wine was tart and mixed with juice to sweeten it a little. Once they finished, the bottle and cup were taken away.
The High Mage came around to lay his hand on Remus’s head. “Remus Cadieux-Rizzo, you are bound to your husband from this day forward. Love and treat him as you wouldyourself.” He moved over. “Sébastien Cadieux-Rizzo, you are bound to your husband from this day forward. Love and treat him as you would yourself.”
He pushed a small, round disc into Remus’s hands which meant they could lift the veils for a moment. With the looking glass, they could see each other as a married couple for the first time. Sébastien smiled at Remus before they lowered the veils again and stood. A Mage took the looking glass so they could walk toward the steps overlooking the crowd and stop.
The people cheered as they turned to each other to remove the veil. Sébastien had put his hair up in a neat bun with a few loose strands pulled out to soften his face. Remus smoothed a stray piece before they leaned in to kiss. The crowd grew louder and quieted as Maxime approached with a small knife, and a Mage took the veils to neatly fold.
“It’s fine,” Lord Rochefort was telling Éloïse. “Everyone does it, and it’s just a tiny nick.”
Family was supposed to do the cut, but they didn’t have anyone else. Maxime could heal, so it’d be easy for him anyway. He made a small nick on their palms that bled a little. Remus and Sébastien clasped hands to mix it and kissed again.
It was done. The next time they ate, went for a ride on Whisper, or did anything, they’d be doing it as husband and husband. Remus still couldn’t believe how far they’d come as they wiped their hands with damp clothes provided by the Mages. Maxime sealed the cuts, and Lord Rochefort told Éloïse she had to wait just a little longer.