Page 5 of Love Me Forever
“Aw, I think he missed me too.”
Like Sébastien, Remus was pretty much the only man Whisper fully trusted, although he hadn’t minded Lord Rochefort and Maxime. Sébastien was sure the unicorn viewed people in relation to how they acted toward his favorite fairy.
“We both missed you.” Sébastien closed the gate after Remus stepped in and reached to pat Whisper’s neck.
“That’s why I’m not going anywhere.”
Sébastien still almost couldn’t believe Remus was here and not planning to go back alone. He wouldn’t have to wake up in an empty bed anymore, and Remus was keeping his promise about them going for a ride.
Once they got Whisper saddled and ready, Sébastien led him through the gate so Remus could close it. Sébastien planted his boot in the stirrup to swing himself up with room for Remus. There had been a time when he never would have let any man sit so close behind him, but he didn’t mind his future husband.
After Remus was settled behind him, Sébastien nudged Whisper into a trot toward the street. They’d ridden Whisper plenty of times before. He still couldn’t help but think of this one as the first real one since he’d agreed to marry Remus.
Remus waved at Tom and the other guard as they passed by. Whisper tossed his head like he wanted to charge down the street, and woe betide anyone who got in his way.
“Calm down, boy. You can run in a bit.”
“I’ll have to get a horse so he doesn’t have to always lug us both around.” Remus tightened his arms around Sébastien’s waist and bent his head to plant a kiss on the side of his neck.
It gave him pleasant tingles and almost made him want them to return to the house so Remus could do that again and let it lead to other things.
“There’s a farm outside of the city with good horses. They sold a lot to the court. The owner’s good, and he hired a few former slaves.”
“How’s that been going? Has there been anything like in Lapinville?”
“Not that I’ve heard. There hasn’t been any news like that lately.”
Sébastien hated that place for his own reasons thanks to the hunting lodge, and he clearly wasn’t the only one there who’d experienced terrible things. His first real act as King had been freeing the Kingdom’s slaves and outlawing the practice. Depending on the crime committed and how long the slave had left, some had gone to prison to serve out their sentence. A man with a history of assault and violence shouldn’t be allowed to freely run around two weeks after his last arrest.
Others with petty, simple crimes had been released entirely. A man enslaved for poaching had gone back to his owner’s home in Lapinville the day before the New Year and set it alight with them both inside. Neither had survived.
“I won’t be surprised if there are a few revenge murders or assaults,” Sébastien said as he guided Whisper down the crowded streets. People seemed to have gotten used to seeing him around more on Whisper, although quite a few stared sincehe wasn’t alone now. Whisper snorted at someone as if to tell them to mind their own business.
He almost couldn’t blame a person for revenge. Poaching was usually done for food, not for fun, and who knew what the former slave had endured with his owner? Sébastien couldn’t personally help anyone through past events. He couldn’t even make himself forget.
They passed the space where the Palace had once stood. The fence around the grounds had been torn down, and the rubble had been carted away over winter. They’d even dug out the remains of the foundation and filled it with dirt.
Several foul pieces of shit had died in there, including the Regent, and Satan’s fire had turned them to ash. The empty space was comforting. Sébastien didn’t have to return from a ride and enter a cold, empty Palace or live under the same roof as his abuser. Even though he’d already looked at the barren space over winter and watched the pile of rubble gradually grow smaller, it still gave him an eased feeling. Several foul stains had been erased from the realm.
Whisper sensed he could gallop and tore into a run. With the wind in his face and Remus’s warm bulk at his back, he told himself he was free.
Whisper was so happy to run, Sébastien had to reign him in down a little-used path so he didn’t wear himself out too fast. Words weren’t needed as the unicorn carried them. It was nice to ride with only one man. He had nothing pressing to deal with, and he’d return to the peace of his house with Remus.
No matter what happened before, he was truly free.
Chapter Two
He’d said yes.
Remus had been a little worried Sébastien would say no and that he’d decided to go on alone. Maybe after a winter by himself, he would have decided he’d rather have a fresh start, and that meant getting rid of everyone from before he’d nearly died.
Sébastien hadn’t seemed to be leaning that way, so Remus hadn’t doubted too much. He could tell Sébastien had been far more doubtful. After years of being used and abandoned, he wasn’t surprised.
But he’d said yes. Mother’s ring looked good on his hand. Remus had never seen him wear jewelry, so the smaller ring fit him better. And if Sébastien liked it, that was most important.
When they returned and came in, someone on the ship had finally brought his two trunks and pack and left them in Sébastien’s bedroom. Remus had told them to wait so he could focus on seeing Sébastien and not have other people in the house.
“You can use the closet room and the chest of drawers.” Sébastien tugged on the tie he’d used to hold his hair back. “I had clothes made, but there’s still plenty of room. Do you want help unpacking?”