Page 9 of Charity's Torment
“Well, why did you move here then?”
“It was a place I’d never been, plus I don’t have family directing my path, so… I closed my eyes and pointed to the map.”
Everything he said directed me right back to my first impression of him—a hippy.
No roots.
A vagabond.
No, thanks.
He had no purpose in life or drive propelling him forward. He just let the wind blow him around and called it an adventure. That’s a fucking nightmare.
Where was the structure? The control?
“That sounds so magical. My parents would never let me do that.” That much was true, but I wouldn’t allow myself to be so lost. It sounded awful. My life thrived on a structure. The need for me to predict the next day was vital for my lack of control.
“Oh, sorry. I have to get this,” I said, glancing at my ringing phone. “Mom, everything okay?” I stood and walked outside.
“Well, I don’t know. I just went by Josh’s apartment, and I found it trashed. I’m worried he might be in trouble again.” Her voice cracked, telling me she was close to crying.
“Okay. I’m almost done with Christopher, and I’ll see if I can find him.”
My mother knew that Josh and I had a special relationship… she just didn’t know to what degree.
“Thank you. He always listens to you.”
I scoffed. “Josh does what he wants to, Mom. Did you ask Dad to send a cruiser around for him?” That was the logical option for her. My father had the police department at his beck and call.
“No. He’s busy with this new case. I don’t want to bother him. Besides, I don’t know if it requires police. I don’t want Josh to get into trouble.”
I ruffled my hair and blew out a sigh. “I’ll let you know when I find him.” I hung up and returned to my seat, then swallowed the last of my coffee.
“Everything okay?” he asked.
“Family drama. I need to get going. I’m sorry to cut and run. It was nice meeting you.”Not.
“Maybe we can do this another time.” He sounded desperate. I enjoyed confident men, ones that didn’t resort to begging for my attention. I want men that command my attention.
I walked away and got into my electric-blue Civic, speeding away from this crazy I couldn’t possibly relate to. I pressed the button and gave the command to call Josh. It rang with no answer—bastard.
I pulled into his apartment complex and parked my car in the first vacant space in front of his building. I double-checked my pistol to make sure a bullet was in the chamber and took the first step of many to the fifth floor. I didn’t do elevators unless absolutely necessary. I had a relentless fear of falling that no amount of therapy could fix. Seems therapy couldn’t help me with anything but hide the behaviors they look for.
The place was a complete disaster. Mom’s description didn’t do it justice. Someone went through everything, looking for something. Upturned tables, the couch shredded, and dishes shattered all over the floor. If I didn’t know any better, I would say someone searched his home, but I’m going to guarantee he was looking for his next fix. One he’d never get.
Luca controlled the arms and drug trade. The distributors, the growers, and the cooks—the whole damn enterprise. Luca assured me they wouldn’t sell to Josh again. I think someone went behind his back.
I dialed Max, and he answered on the first ring. “I need a favor.”
“I don’t like the sound of that,Bella.”
“Where is Luca?”
“Playing golf with Nico.”
“So early in the morning?” I guess it wasn’t literally morning anymore. It was a little after noon. Where the hell did the time go?