Page 107 of Corrupting Ivy
“What are you thinking about, sweet girl?”
“That time I ran into the wall after seeing you naked.”
He chuckled, sharing my sentiment, then disappeared into his closet.
I walked into the bathroom and took his place in the shower, scrubbing everything until I was squeaky clean. Stepping out, I towel-dried and walked out to the bedroom.
Randall sat on the edge of the bed, bent over, tying his dress shoes that matched his black suit pants, but were in stark contrast to his white button-down shirt.
Is that… I dropped my towel, catching his attention. “Is that a gun?” He glanced down at the shoulder harness, holding a pistol on one side and two clips on the other.
“You’re a country girl. Don’t tell me you’re afraid of guns?”
It’s not that I was afraid of guns, it was the opposite. I grew up with them and was well versed in them. I’d just never seen him carry one before, and there was something about shoulder harnesses that looked so official and dangerous.
I shook my head. “No.”
He stood from the bed and shrugged on his black suit jacket, all while keeping his gaze firmly planted on mine.
“Good, because I have many.”
“I thought you said this was a business meeting?”
“It is. I carry a gun everywhere. You can never be too careful.”
He strode towards me, gripped my upper arm, then gave me a reassuring squeeze while he placed a kiss on my cheek. “I left my card on the kitchen counter. Make sure you put it in your wallet.” He walked towards the door.
“I don’t have a wallet.”
He paused at the door. “I bought you a new purse until you find one you like.”
“You can’t keep buying me things. It makes me feel inadequate.”
He looked down the hall and exhaled. “Can we discuss this another time? I’m running late.”
I nodded and waved. “Yeah. Okay.”
He turned and walked out the door, leaving me to my own thoughts. I’ll never get over that feeling when he buys things for me. I don’t have money, so if I wanted to buy something for him, it’d be with his money. But what do you buy a man that has everything and then some?
I shuffled into my closet and picked out a pair of jeans and a purple long sleeve shirt that hung off one shoulder. Laying them out on my bed, I grabbed matching purple panties and a bra when my phone dinged.
Liz: Change of plans. Let’s meet in forty-five minutes at this bistro off thirtieth.
Me: Okay. See you there.
I tossed my phone on the bed when the screen lit up, and her message came across.
Liz: I dropped a pin for directions.
I clipped my bra in place and slipped on my panties, then dressed in the clothes Randall bought when we’d arrived. One morning, I woke up to a closet half full of clothes I could only dream of buying.
My screen lit up again.
Liz: Did you get it?
I picked up my phone, glancing at the map she sent and then responded.
Me: Yes, thank you.