Page 12 of His Obsession
I cringed, someone noticed. Humiliating was no longer a word I could use to describe this situation. “Yeah, I just fell asleep, I guess,” I said, burying my face in my hands. If I couldn’t see them, they couldn’t see me, right? It was like a little baby playing peek-a-boo; if I covered my face, I disappeared from sight.
Lucy said something in Dale’s ear, eliciting a nod. He gave her a pat on the arm and waved goodbye before walking back to the rope at the stairs. I bit the tip of my thumb, my mind over-thinking and driving me slowly but surely to the ward. Standing from my petrified position, I followed Lucy out to her car. I could use that drink right about now.
Turning off the car, I stumbled out in a grumble.
“No one noticed, Liz.”
“Right! Just the person who sent Dale over to check on me,” I trembled, embarrassment burning my face. I’ll never live this moment down. What asshole sends someone else to make sure a person is okay and not do it themselves?
“I’m sure everyone thought you just had an amazing orgasm. You know some women scream bloody murder when they come,” she said, running up to me. “It’s true, I saw it in a porno once, like one of those amateur ones. Totally believable!”
“Great, so now, instead of a nightmare, people will think I was masturbating in public. And gross, Lucy, I need not know about your porn preferences.” I couldn't help but laugh. This just kept getting better and better. I knew she was trying to help me feel better, but that made the thoughts that much worse. I unlocked the door, letting it swing wide, then rushed to my room, wanting to escape this hell.
“I’m going to sleep,” I hollered over my shoulder.
“Check under the bed. You don’t want Bates to get you.”
I could imagine her hand raised, making the stabbing motion. “You’re a dick,” I hissed.
“True, but I guess that would mean I’m the only dick you have.” She chuckled. “Come on, you left that one wide open.”
“Yeah, well-played, Lucy.” I rolled my eyes and yawned, the humor of it not lost on me. “Goodnight.” She knew my sex life was lacking lately. Okay, bylately, I mean a year or two. It had been a while. I peeled my clothes from my sweaty limbs and climbed into my cold sheets.Shit,I forgot to look under the bed.
I knocked my blaring alarmoff my nightstand and groaned, pulling my pillow over my head. I did not want to get up. Last night was an utter embarrassment, and I don’t think I’ll ever show my face there again. She can take a damn Uber next time.
Dragging the pillow reluctantly away from my face, I threw it to the other side of the bed and rolled off, my feet scuff on the floor as I made my way to the bathroom. My inner monologue this morning was me crying like a baby and sayingI don’t want to.
Violent shivers ran down my body as I moved the frigid cloth over my face, bringing some life to my eyes. My mirror reflected a worn woman with bags under her eyes, pleading for more sleep.Don’t look at me that way.I have work to do. I ran the mascara through my lashes, blinking rapidly, making them thick and long.
My loud coffeepot in the kitchen let me know my cup of heaven was ready.
Which one to choose?I ran my finger over the collection of secret message cups I couldn’t help but buy. I picked out a glorious travel mug, and I poured the hot coffee, revealingSassy Since Birthtext on the side in bold purple letters.
The first sip of the creamy liquid warms my body, practically orgasmic. Vibrations from my phone tickle my leg. I checked the clock on the stove. Who is messaging me so early? Please don’t let it be Mr. Donovan.
Alek: Going to be a late day.
Yay,I groan audibly. Not one boss but the other, oh goody.
I stepped outside with my coffee in hand when I noticed the same black SUV I watched Randall and Alek climb into yesterday, parked behind Lucy’s car. That can’t be? It has to be someone else’s vehicle.
I cautiously approached the SUV, needing them to move out of the way, I didn’t have time for this shit. The back door to the blacked-out SUV opened, and I paused, hearing my name being called.
I peered in through the opened door and raised my brows. “What are you doing here?” I asked, shaking my head with confusion.
Alek leaned over the captain’s chair in his high-end black suit, looking utterly delectable. “Driving you to work. Get in.”
My stomach flipped, and I bit my lip. This wasn’t normal behavior for a girl to have towards her boss. Especially if that boss stabbed someone yesterday. The psych ward is looking like a possibility in my future.
"That’s okay, I was going to drive myself. Thanks, though."