Page 21 of His Obsession
Lucy turned in her seat and stared back at me. “What?” I asked, confused by her blank stare.
“Did you have someone in the house this morning? I thought I heard a man and you yelling.”
I stared back at her and shook my head. “No, I had the TV on this morning. Maybe that was what it was.” There went that lying little mouth of mine again. I hated lying to her, but I was scared to get her involved if I thought about it. I didn’t want her to get hurt. It would devastate me if anything happened to her because of me. Well, it would be because of Alek getting me involved and inadvertently involving Lucy.
She raised her eyebrows as if she didn’t believe me. “Oh, maybe.” She turned back in her seat and started rubbing Dale's arm. Yeah, they are a closet couple. I knew it.
My phone pinged in my pocket, and I pulled it out, putting it on vibrate.
Alek: Where are you going?
Wait… how did he know I was leaving? I wondered if the men Alek said he was going to have posted outside told him.
Me: Out.
Me: How do you know I’m leaving?
He said I had to answer; he didn’t say I had to answer his questions.
Alek: Don’t get smart.
He didn’t answer my question. Of course, he wouldn’t answer. Why did I think he would?
Me: But I am smart :)
Alek: Where are you going to?
I paused, making him sweat a little. If I had to respond to his messages, I might have a little fun with it.
Me: Since you know I’m leaving, I’m sure you can figure it out.
After no response for several minutes, I put my phone back in my pocket. Dale pulled into an empty parking space, and everyone got out. I tossed my purse strap over my shoulder and slammed the door a little too hard.
“Hey, careful now. This is my baby,” Dale said, rubbing his sleeve over the fingerprint smudges.
“Sorry, the wind caught it.” It really hadn’t. There was a slight breeze, but nothing with any power behind it. To be honest, I was just distracted. Between Alek this morning and now having to watch my back for fear of some psychotic freak getting me, my brain was working in overdrive.
Sticking his finger in his mouth and holding it up in the air to test for wind, he cocked his head and paused. “Yeah, I call bologna.” He laughed
“Sorry, Dale, I’m just in a hurry to see this awesome movie you have picked out,” I said, faking enthusiasm. He knew I was lying because he knew I hated horror movies.
Jason came over and wrapped his arm around my shoulders as we walked inside. “Don’t pick on the lovely Liz. She just can’t wait to get me in a dark room,” he said, grinning ear to ear.
“Yeah, so I don’t have to see you,” I snickered.
“You go for the jugular, don’t you?”
My shoulders shook with laughter. The smell of buttered popcorn hit my nose, and I couldn’t help but pause. The aroma was intoxicating. I didn’t know anyone who could walk into a theater and not eat popcorn. The bright lights from the neon signs caused a reflection on the newly polished floor, perfectly stacked candy sat on the shelves, and the popcorn was making its signature sound.
I stood in the short line, waiting for the counter lady to pour someone’s drink, when I noticed a man standing in the shadows, some distance away. He just stood there, observing everyone. I shook off a strange feeling and moved forward in line. I looked away from him and watched the woman put the lid on a cup. Everyone was now my enemy, and it was all Alek’s fault.
Great, now I’m feeling paranoid.
How many steps have I taken to the ward now?
I caught up to everyone after getting my drink and popcorn. We took back our ticket stubs from the employee and went to find our seats. I noticed the theater was full as we climbed the dimly lit steps. I never understood why people would want to sit so close to the screen. You had to break your neck to see anything. You couldn’t get the full view of everything from there.
Putting my cup in the holder, I sat next to Jason and dug into my popcorn. The buttery taste hit my tongue, and I wanted more. Grabbing another handful, I shoved it in my mouth, then took a swig of Coke. Lucy told me it was a nasty thing to do, but the liquid interacts with the popcorn, and it dissolves in your mouth.