Page 29 of His Obsession
I cracked open a bottle of beer and chugged it while pacing my living room floor, the wood creaking beneath my feet. Was he right, did I need him? Would this get worse, or would it stop at this? I knew it wouldn’t end at this, I’d be foolish to think it would. That man was determined to get Alek, and he’d stop at nothing to get him.
I bit the tip of my thumb and continued my pacing, wearing a path across the room. Something dawned on me, and I ran to my room in a panic.Where the fuck was it?I threw my pillows off my bed, my comforter next, then the sheets, making a large pile on the floor. I got down on my knees and looked under the bed.
Didhetake my gun with him, or did Alek?
This was the moment I realized that I might talk a tough game, but I was weak and helpless when it came time to do something about it. Even having a gun under my pillow didn’t help me. That man quickly disarmed me and laughed about it.
I slumped to the floor, burying my face in my knees, and let the tears fall. I let my ego get in the way of accepting help that I desperately needed. Even though this was his fault, he was trying to correct it, and I wasn’t making it easy.
But how many times did I need to tell him to be honest with me?
You get more bees with honey.
I don’t know how long I sat in this position, but my legs were aching, and my toes were tingling from the lack of circulation. I crawled to my nightstand, finding my phone, my fingers hovering over the numbers 9-1-1. Alek’s warning from the other day bounced around in my head, ‘he’ll slit your throat if you do.’
After my encounter with him, I knew now that would be the case. I erased the numbers from the call screen, swallowed my pride, and called Alek.
The phone rang three times before his deep voice came over the line telling me to leave a message. I blew out a breath and tossed my phone away from me. Maybe he just needed time to cool down. I was hateful; I said mean things. Some I meant, and some I didn’t.
I laid on my comforter beside my bed, knees to my chest, fighting my body’s urge to close my eyes. My adrenaline was crashing, and I felt exhausted, but I couldn’t sleep knowing I was alone. And Alek wasn’t answering his phone. My heart was beating harder and harder as the paranoia and fear dug their claws in and wouldn’t release. My skin crawled, and I couldn’t stand the agony anymore.
I scrambled back over to my phone and redialed his number, crossing my fingers in hopes he’d answer.
“What?” He was angry, but he answered. Tears hit my eyes, and I blew out a breath of saved air.
“I’m sorry. I can’t do this alone. Can you come and get me?” I heard the front door click shut, and I found Alek standing in my bedroom doorway.
“I never left.”
Ihad my five suitcases packed with all my clothes and toiletries. Alek told me he would send his guys over to pack everything, but the last thing I wanted was to have more strange men in my room, much less going through my stuff and running their fingers through my pantie drawer.
I gave my room a once-over and made sure I had everything before turning out the light and closed it. It was surreal to think I wouldn’t be coming back to my home for a while, or maybe not at all. My entire adult life has been in this townhouse. I made all my memories here; I didn’t want to lose them. Taking a mental snapshot, I left and met Alek at the car. Alek had pulled his car to the front and was loading the suitcases into the trunk and backseats.
“All set?” he asked while stuffing the trunk.
I turned around and looked at my home. Tears burned my eyes; without a word, I dropped into his car and shut the door. I wasn’t looking forward to the awkward living situation that was about to occur. We didn’t seem to get along very well, despite the sexual tension between us. I mean, he practically called me a pain in the ass, and yet, he was still trying to help me when he could just as easily not make me his vulnerability. That is why this man is coming after me because I make Alek weak. Does that mean I’m his Kryptonite? His Achilles’ heel?
Alek climbed into the driver’s side and gave me a slight smile. “Let’s go then,” he said.
The car roared to life, and Alek took me on an adventure I didn’t want nor asked for. I just prayed I came out of it alive and on top. I learned that with prayers; I tried to keep it to specifics. I treated God like a genie, not one that grants wishes, but one that if you said,I want to come out of this alive,he’d probably put you in a coma and tell you he did as you asked. I wanted to survive this walking and talking.
“I need a gun,” I blurted out randomly. “I only had my .380, and now it was gone. Did you take it?” I loved that damn gun. I had saved for a while to get it, and I cleaned it and babied it.
“No. I didn’t. I’ve got plenty for you to choose from, though,” Alek said confidently.
I’m sure he did. Since he didn’t have it, that meant my precious Smith and Wesson was in the hands of a nut job.
“You have a dark side, don’t you?” I observed.
He gave a brief chuckle. Finally, he showed some emotion. “You could say that,” he said, confirming what I already knew. He was just as dangerous as the man that broke into my room. He may give me those butterflies like a girl with a crush, but he was dark and secretive. I needed to brace myself. I didn’t just have that dreadful man to look out for, but now, I had Alek too.
“I’m scared, Alek.” My mind was in a dismal place, and death saturated my thoughts. “I don’t want to die. I don’t want that man to get me. I don’t want what he has planned for me,” I whimpered. Wincing as my face scrunched at the memory of him licking me and wanting to have “fun” with me. I could still feel his rough, stinking tongue on the stinging flesh, revulsion making me want to take another shower.
He reached his hand over to mine, squeezed it, and let go. “I won’t let that happen.” So far, the man had done whatever he wanted to, regardless of what Alek had done to prevent it. I didn’t have an optimistic outlook for the future. I wanted to yell at him and tell him not to make promises he couldn’t keep and, in the same breath, make him promise me again. I didn’t look at him; instead, I stared at the city lights as they went by. Occasionally, a star would peek out behind the cloudy sky—a depressing sky for a gloomy night.
The rest of the ride was quiet. We pulled into a gated driveway, and my mouth hung open in awe. The black metal gate groaned as it moved its dense mass so we could drive through. The grounds were in pristine condition; the grass was green, the driveway free from debris. The modern mini-mansion was brightly lit, with lights covering all the corners of the concrete and the wood-styled home. I didn’t think I’d been close to something this expensive before.