Page 41 of His Obsession
“I like being on time,” he commented.
It was still dark outside. It wasn’t like anyone would be there. Besides, clients rarely started calling until nine, which would leave me with plenty of time to check the computer in the mornings.
Alek turned his stereo on, and a song about blood in the water began playing, bringing back fresh memories I shook away. He turned out onto the road, and we made our way to work. I opened my banana and took a bite, following it with a sip of coffee, another one of my food quirks.
Some people didn’t like their food touching—I wanted mine mixed. I stared out the window, watching the blur of stars meet the city lights, and took another bite.
“You keep eating it like that, and I’m going to have to pull the car over,” he said, his face bouncing from mine to the road.
“Promise?” I said, seductively taking another bite while staring at him. I know I was playing with fire, but I was in the mood to get burned.
“Fuck!” he cursed under his breath. I watched him put his hand down to adjust himself, and my face lit with a satisfied smirk, then I turned back to look out the window.
We rode the elevator in silence, arriving on the twenty-fifth floor. The lights were off, making it pitch-black inside. Alek took the lead when I hesitated and stepped off the elevator. It chased away all the demons hiding in the dark when the lights popped on automatically, and I followed him out.
I sat down at my desk, and Alek went to his. It was eerie being here when Becca wasn’t. I stared at my computer when it dawned on me. The last time I was here, Becca and I were worried about Mr. Donovan. It was surreal to think he was dead now, and life was going on as if it didn’t even happen. We all moved forward with our lives. No grieving, no funeral or memorial for him. He died horrifically; but did anyone but us know that?
“I need you to do something.”
Alek startled me. “Would youpleasemake a noise when you walk?” I didn’t bother to take my eyes off my screen.
“Then, I wouldn’t be able to do this,” he said, placing a kiss on my neck.
“You shouldn’t be doing that, anyway.” My words said one thing, but my body said another. Tingles between my legs whet my appetite, and I tried to hold back the wild beast, wanting to devour him.
“Yeah, well, I think we have established that I do what I want.” He moved away, smothering the flames he purposefully ignited. When he waltzed back a moment later, he placed an extensive file on my desk. “I need copies.”
Work—the one place he could order me about, and it required me to listen or accept the consequences.
“M’kay,” I said, tightening my legs to keep the ache at bay.
When I turned to the copier, he was already sitting back in his office, the door partially closed. I pressed the copy button and watched the paper go into the machine and be spit back out.
I gathered the originals and the copies when I heard shouting from Alek in his office. “You don’t want to go to war with me, motherfucker!”
His voice lowered to a pitch I could no longer hear, so I knocked and pushed the door open. Alek had his cell to his ear when he turned, his eyes glazed over with hatred. I held the papers in the air to show him it was complete, and I put them on his desk. I hesitated a moment before turning on my heel and got the hell out of there.
I pulled up my email, responding to Randall's few inquiries, and sat back, twiddling my fingers, waiting for the time to slip by. I sipped my coffee and looked at a few things on my phone, then ordered those deadly pens that I kept putting off.
The office door opened, and Alek stepped out.
“What’s wrong?” I asked softly, standing from my seat. His face overlapping with emotions I couldn’t quite place. “Alek?”
Alek took three long strides and pushed me against my desk. “Do you have any idea what you do to me, or what I would doforyou?” he whispered.
His mouth parted, inching ever so closely until his fiery breath tickled my lips. I darted my tongue across my lips, wetting them with anticipation, my stomach fluttering.
“And what is it that I do to you, Alek?” My words were breathy and low. I tipped my chin up, brushing my lips against his, no longer able to resist.
Alek ran his fingertips up my sides, his thumb finally coming to rest on the pulse at my throat. Breaking away from my kiss, he squeezed his eyes shut and pressed his forehead to mine.
His pained expression reflected the internal conflict I battled with daily, lately. “Penny for your thoughts, Alek?”
“How about I show you?”
My chest rose and fell quickly with anticipation. “I always love a goodShow and Tell.”
Alek brushed his lips to mine, moving too slow for the fieriness that was building inside me. I bit his lip, urging him on, and he growled into my mouth, and I smiled. A thrill shot across my gut from his response.