Page 52 of His Obsession
“Wow. That was exhilarating.” My adrenaline was pumping, and my heart rate was up. I wanted to try again. “Can I do another?” I asked.
“Yeah, rack it up.”
Repeating my steps, I took aim and squeezed, the shot landing on the face of the menacing burglar. This was so much easier than a handgun. I shot about fifty rounds today, practicing with the Glock Alek gave me, and I didn't do as well with it as I did with the rifle.
“Okay, that’s all the time we have for today,” Randall said.
“Bummer,” I pouted.
This was my favorite way to pass the time lately. The rush was incredible, and all the power was mine.
I moved away from the table, and I rubbed the ache out of my shoulder. "I want one of these," I told Randall, staring at the rifle as if in a daze.
"You've got a way to go before that happens," he said, patting me gently on the shoulder.
“Yeah, I know.I’m just saying… as like a Christmas gift or something,” I said, winking at him.
“If I celebrated Christmas, I’d get you something, but you’re shit-out-of-luck in that department.”
“All work and no play, Randall.”
“I play plenty.”
We packed up our guns in the back of Randall's truck; I climbed in, and we made our way home in silence. Tomorrow, we had the dinner date with Lucy and her mystery man. She still wouldn’t speak much about him, just that he was friendly and kept coming around, so she gave him a shot.Sounds like her.
“Do you know if Alek is home?” I asked Randall as we drove through the gate.
Please say yes, please say yes,I thought with crossed fingers.
“Yeah, he is.”
My heart thumped hard, and I hid the smile that wanted to break out.
“You know, you should give him a break. He’s doing everything in his power to find this guy and running himself ragged to keep you safe. And you treat him like shit in return,” he said, being frank with me.
I cocked an eyebrow, surprised he said anything.
“I know.” I looked away from him, feeling ashamed. How did I tell him that this was all part of my plan? I didn’t want to be a shitty person; I was genuinely a nice girl. I helped people in need. I cared what people thought. I cared that I hurt his feelings. It tore me up inside. I’d cried countless times because of the look I’d put on his face, I was a horrible person, but I was doing this for him. It was all part of the plan. It was what I kept having to remind myself. I hesitated before closing the door. I couldn't let him get to me.
I walked inside, leaving Randall in the truck. My eyes connected with Alek, sitting at the table with his laptop in front of him. I gave him a soft smile and met him at the table.
“What are you working on?” I asked, striking up a conversation. I pulled up a chair next to him and bent my head to see his screen when he pulled it closed, hiding it from me.
“Work,” he said, sitting back in his seat, crossing his arms.
“Right. Good talk,” I said, standing from my chair, my heart hurting. Alek’s hand reached out and grabbed my arm gently, stopping me from walking away.
"Wait, let's start again," he said, tugging me back, and I landed in his lap. My body froze at the feel of him touching me again. It was what I’d been waiting for—needing.
“I’ve missed you,” he said, his arms wrapped around my waist and his nose in my hair.
“I’ve been here,” I said breathlessly.
"I'm sorry, I'm trying to make it better," he said with his lips pressed to my neck.
I sighed, not wanting him to stop. I moved my head to the side, offering him more, silently begging he took it. His body called me like a siren, and I was going to drown if I listened.
“Alek…” I sighed. His lips trailed down my shoulders, pushing my shirt strap to the side. “I don’t think…” He wrapped his hand around my throat, tipping me back to rest against him.