Page 80 of His Obsession
I opened the door before Randall stopped rolling, and I jumped out. You would think I hadn’t seen him in ages. I wiped away the dread I felt before, and I realized I was happy to be back. I raced to him and wrapped my arms around his waist, and squeezed.
“How’s my girl?” He wrapped his arms around me, careful of my still sore ribs, and kissed the top of my head.
I couldn’t wipe the smile from my face, and it caused my cheeks to hurt.
“You do that again, and I’m going to beat you,” Randall shouted from behind me.
I whipped around, facing Randall. “You wouldn’t dare?”
“Iwoulddare,” he growled with his hands on his hips. His menacing glare didn’t scare me when I was in Alek’s arms, but should he do it when Alek wasn’t around, I knew I would tremble.
Alek chuckled and ushered me inside.
“I thought we were going to work?” I asked him.
“Breakfast first, I made waffles,” Alek said.
My mouth watered at the thought of fluffy, crispy waffles on my tongue. I followed close behind Alek, almost colliding into his back when he stopped mid-stride and turned to me. His hands cupped my face, running his thumb over my lower lip before bringing his lips to mine and feasting on them. I grabbed his lapel and held on tight, my knees going weak.
“Get a room, you two,” Randall said.
Alek pulled away from the kiss and forced me to take my seat at the counter, placing another kiss on my head. This felt right. I belonged here. This was where Alek was, and I was developing an unhealthy attachment to him I didn’t want to break.
The pleasant smell of fresh flour waffles overpowered the room, and I dug in. Maple syrup hit my tongue in an explosion of sweet sugar. I could eat this all day.
“You deserve extra kisses for this,” I promised.
“I’ll accept that as payment.” He winked, and heat pooled low in my belly.
I placed my plate in the dishwasher. I was the last one to finish eating, savoring every bite.
“Randall, are you coming with us?” I asked him as we walked to the garage.
He shook his head. “No, I’m taking my truck. I have errands to run today,” Randall replied.
“Suit yourself. I was going to make Alek listen to that country girl you were playing earlier,” I smirked at Alek and waited for a reaction.
“The fuck you are, little traitor.”
Alek’s hands came to my waist and pushed me to my seat in the car. My eyes watched him as he crossed the front of the vehicle.
I had heard them arguing about country music a while back, and I never understood his loathing for the music. I liked all types. He shut his door and pushed the button to start the car.
“Since we are driving to work alone. Let’s talk.Please.”
“You want to do this now? This early in the morning?” His finger pushed the button, turning the car off. He threw open his car door and walked back into the house, leaving me stunned.
Our interactions had been light-hearted this morning. He was in a better mood than he had been in lately. I thought now would be the time to talk about it, but I clearly misjudged the timing.
I sat in the car a moment longer and waited for him to come back. When I concluded he wasn’t, I gave an audible sigh, unbuckled my belt, and went inside in search of him.
Ipicked up the bottle of scotch and sat at my desk. The amber liquid splashed into my glass, and I swallowed it in one large gulp.
So much had happened in the last few months, I wouldn’t even know where to begin with her. Why today, of all days, did she need to bring it up? The talk she had been desperate to have with me. Couldn’t we just leave things as they were and move forward? Did we need to dredge up the past? Liz just couldn’t leave Pandora’s Box alone; she had to keep lifting the lid and seeing what new bits would come out.
She walked around the door, hesitant to speak. Her body language was screaming at me; she was wary, exposed, meek. She was afraid of my reaction; I’ve seen that behavior before from my mother. It tore my insides up.
“Scotch in the morning?” she asked.