Page 1 of Charity's Redemption
The man I’d cried my heart and soul to, the one I’d confessed my deepest, darkest secrets to, stood in my coffee shop door, an arrest warrant in hand, ready to destroy whatever semblance of a life I’d had.
Hell, he’d even brought backup with him.
He had me so messed up with fear and confusion that I didn’t even know if flattery or offense were in order.
My customers turned their gaze to the two menacing officers.One being a man my father had worked with his entire career, the other I'd never seen before.
Yeah, gawk and get your kicks.
That was the problem with society these days. They wanted a show, and they were ready, primed for it even, at a moment’s notice.
I locked eyes with my father and smiled the best I could, even though I understood the severity of this situation. He stepped forward, the large officers behind him following suit, then handed me the paper with a returned smile.
Was he gloating?
No. He couldn’t be.
My father wasn’t one to relish in the downfall of another, especially his own child.
“Hi, Dad,” I said, fear causing my voice towaveras though I were a teen about to be punished for throwing a party.
I took the damning bit of paper from his hands, clutching it between my fingers, then closed my eyes as I slowly unfolded it, hoping that when I opened them, this would all be just my wild imagination playing tricks on me.
A solid lump formed at the base of my throat, constricting it. I swallowed to work it away when I opened my eyes to read the warrant.
That can’t be.
My mouth hung open like an ugly gaping fish. The lump in my throat I’d gotten rid of returned with a vengeance.
I flipped the paper over back and forth, searching for fine print—those words that damned me.
Where were they?
Is it hot in here?
My face burned as sweat broke out across my body.
Someone must have cranked up the heat.
“Everything okay?” Justine asked as she walked over and pried the sheet from my hands.
I blinked, and then again. It just didn’t… it didn’t make any sense.
My father stared at me with consternation as Justine’s eyes moved across the words written down.
“Is this all you need, Officers?” she asked, then pinched her brows together, staring at me with a bewildered look.
“Yes, if you could throw in some extra creamer, that would be great as well. Thanks,” the officer to the left of my father said.
He’d brought me an order for coffee and pastries.
How did he even know… Why was he…
It'd been three weeks since he left me in the woods without a word. Why hadn’t he contacted me? Where was the part that told me I was going to prison for the rest of my life?