Page 41 of The Harbinger
“Because your detox took longer than expected, we’ve rescheduled your scan.”
One, two, three.
Sacha flipped the sheet off his lap and stood. His thickening length grew as he walked towards me. He was hairless in contrast to my dark curly mound, but it was the massive tattoo on his torso that pulled my gaze away from his cock.
A florescent orange circle spanning from clavicle to sternum filled with sigils and symbols I didn’t recognize, except for one…
The upside-down, five-pointed pentagram. The sign of the devil. And it made sense because in the center of the orange circle was a goat’s head, his eyes blazing bright with fire, his body attached to a decaying mutant—half-human, half-cloven-hoofed animal.
I gasped and leaned into the door frame when he stopped in front of me, my body slick with sweat as though I’d been plunged into the Sahara Desert, the blazing satanic eyes keeping my focus.
He tapped my temple, his finger pressing gently against my skin. “I want to see what’s ticking up there.” His finger slid down the side of my face, then tapped under my chin before walking around me and into the bathroom.
I stumbled across the chilly floor and curled under the covers. The heat of his touch left a scorching mark down my face, but the image on his chest burned deeper.What would possess a person to get such a thing?
“Are you feeling well enough for breakfast?”
My mouth watered as I pictured a stack of pancakes, scrambled eggs, and bacon smothered in syrup, and my stomach growled in response. I sat up, keeping the sheet around my chest, and swayed to the side.
Sacha grabbed my arm as I tilted off the bed. “Careful now.”
I blew out a breath, my hands pressed to my head until the spins settled. I swallowed hard, keeping my vision tucked away from him, his hand never wavering on my upper arm. A swirl of liquid heat, feral and vicious, touched my center as though he’d pressed his fingers between my legs and offered me a sweet release. But the image of the goat-headed figure curdled the air in my lungs.
“Let’s get you dressed.”
I opened my eyes and frowned when I found him dressed.How? When?
Sacha tugged at my arm, bringing me to my feet and into the closet, taking his time, letting me get used to my jittery legs like Ariel fromThe Little Mermaid.
“Katya bought you some clothes while you were… sick.”
“Thank you.” My chapped lips and dry mouth made the words stick like hot glue.
Before I could sift through the expansive closet hosting two rows of clothes on top and bottom and shelves with a vast array of shoes, he grabbed a pair of jeans and a light pullover sweater, then handed them to me. “You’ll wear these.”
“Do I get underwear? Or a bra?”
“Get dressed,” he said, neglecting to answer my question, then walked out, his suit tight across his broad shoulders and frightening tattoos. Beneath the expensive suits hid a person one wouldn’t expect with stoic composure and a business persona.
I slipped the sweater over my head, the soft material hardening my nipples as it brushed over them. My pants were next and fit as if I’d picked them out myself.
A soft hiss caught my ear, and I cocked my head to the side as I zipped my pants.
Whispers filled the silent closet, like thousands of tiny voices telling their secrets in my ear, each word emphasized with a drawn-out ‘SSS‘,and blunt ‘Ts’ by the time I’d buttoned my jeans. I spun around, searching for the source, my ears on high alert.There. The corner of the closet. I took a wary step closer, the different tones growing distinguishable, yet still a muffled hum of cacophony.
The hairs on the back of my neck raised with each step, then next my arms. Chills shot down my spine, and a cold sweat flushed my skin.
Was someone there?
Behind the clothes, the enigma chorused. A long, flowing, ruby-red dress wrapped in plastic, hung to the floor and crinkled as I touched it.
Someonewasback here.
My heart raced, my pulse pounding in my veins as the voices grew louder.
I jumped, my hand to my chest as my heart leaped into my throat as I spun around. “Jesus Christ.”