Page 32 of Above All Else
“Only what she deserves.”
My brows pinched together.
I thought we had anunderstanding.
Carter pulled me from behind his back, exposing me to the leering man. “Where is your guest?”
Paul pointed to the death dripping from the ceiling. “Contributing to the art.”
My stomach churned and I leaned into Carter.
“Aw, squeamish?” Paul chuckled, his fingers gripping my chin, pulling my gaze toward him.
He lashed out, swiping Paul’s hand off my chin. “Don’t touch her.”
“Have you taken a liking to her?” He backed off with a partial grin peeking out from beneath the mask.
Carter shook his head. “And if I have?”
He tilted his head at me. “That’s not how this works, Carter. She’s a sacrifice. Nothing more. She killed your sister. Or did you forget that for a little pussy?”
Carter released my hands, gripped Paul by the collar, and pushed him away. “Is that right?”
He laughed, matching the hyena he portrayed. “I’ve seen it all too many times.”
“I’m not them.”
My stomach clenched, and my heart thundered in my chest, perspiration bubbling up under the thick coating of dirt.
What does that mean?
Is he still planning on killing me?
“You’re all sick.” My body ran cold and littered my skin with goosebumps. “What’s the point of all of this?”
Paul tilted his head at me, swiped Carter’s hold off him, andmoved him to the side. “You’ve never thought about killing someone? Someone who betrayed you or broke your heart, maybe?”
There was only one person who popped into my head. But if that man died, then a little girl would be left all by herself with the system to neglect her.
“I could never take someone’s life.”
Paul grinned and patted my cheek. “That’s what I thought.”
I jerked out of his touch and rushed into Carter’s. My arms pressed over my chest, my bound hands under my chin as I dug my face into his chest.
He pressed his hand to the back of my head, holding me tight, his arm wrapping around my waist.
“What a shame. I expected better of you, Carter.
“Forgive me for not caring.” His chest rumbled with a low growl as he spun us around, pulled away from me, and gripped my bound wrists.
He pulled me through the cabin, up the black wooden stairs, and through the bedroom door I woke up in.
A whoosh of air slammed out of me as the door banged shut. My back hit the wall as he pushed my shoulders and towered over me.
He tossed his mask to the chair he’d sat in when I first woke. “I’ve waited so long to use this.”
I glanced down at his body and focused on the shining knife in his hand.