Page 45 of Above All Else
“You didn’t seem to care when I had you bent over and wet,” he hollered after me.
Heat settled in my core and evaporated as my shoes crunched on broken glass.
I should really clean this up.
Leaning the bat against the wall, I opened the janitor’s closet as Carter caught up and took possession of the bat.
“What are you doing now?”
I raised my brows and shook my head. “I’m cleaning up the mess you made. I don’t want the kids to cut themselves Monday morning.” Taking the broom and dustpan on a stick, I swept the glass shards up and dumped them into the trash can nearby.
Thirty-five minutes left.
The clock in the hall ticked down, and a queasy uneasiness settled in my belly. “We need to go.”
“You’re the one wasting time cleaning.”
I rolled my eyes as my little students had done countless times with me. “Have a little compassion, Carter.”
He followed me toward the car, tossed the bat into the back seat as I settled into the passenger, then made his way around the front and sank into the driver’s seat. “I doubt whatever you plan on doing with that bat has anything to do with compassion.”
I scoffed. “And that’s where you’d be wrong.”
Chapter 12
Carter parked the car on the side of the road next to the beat-down red truck I’d seen every weekday since the start of school and glanced at me. “Now what?”
“Am I doing this on my own, or are you coming?” I reached into the back of the car and snagged the bat, my hands shaking and my stomach twisted in knots.
Carter put his hand over mine, steadying the trembles. “If you go in there and do what I think you’re about to do, there is no going back.” His gaze narrowed, the early morning sun casting just enough of a glow to offer a fleeting glimpse into hisexpression. “Do you understand that?”
I gulped and nodded, my skin slick with perspiration. My knee bobbed up and down, shaking the car.
“Then we do this together.”
His hand slipped from mine, and we exited the car, meeting each other at the back door, my negligee peeking out from beneath his shirt wrapped around me. Dry cum crusted my thighs, my slip-ons scuffing the cracked cement stairs.
“Ready?” Carter crouched down, his hand on the doorknob.
I nodded, my throat parched like the Sahara Desert.
“No turning back.”
“Just get it over with,” I whispered.
I twisted the bat in my damp hands as he turned the knob. The door creaked on its hinges, causing me to shudder and duck down.
I can’t do this.
Oh my God.
I can’t do this.
Carter chuckled under his breath, swung the door open, and stepped inside with a confidence I could only dream of possessing.