Page 98 of Things Get Dark
How do I tell her she needs to leave when all I want to do is keep her by my side and lose myself in her forever? She stretches her lithe body, languidly moving between us as her melodic voice fills the room. “I am going to take you both home with me.”
I blink.She is going to what?She rolls her head back and pulls my brother in for a kiss. I feel him lose himself in her. He might immediately take control of the kiss, but every ounce of him is begging for her. It matches my own swelling desire. My hand drifts over her hipbone, repercussions be damned.
She vanishes.
I am frozen for a moment. Nothing but soft black smoke lingers in her wake, as if she has fallen through the floor. My hand falls to the soft carpet, and I grip it.
My brother shoots upright, reacting faster than me. I jerk to a sitting position, eyes darting around the room. Panic claws at my throat. No. We just found her. No, no, no.
She appears a few feet away, stretching her back as if everything was normal. My heart stutters inside my chest.
“So are you coming?” she says, head tilting sideways. Her hair sway over the tops of her breasts, and my dick jerks.Not the time.
My head flicks between where she was and where she is now. My brows furrow. I open and close my mouth a few times before sputtering out, “How?” my confusion and curiosity fighting against my growing desire to claim her again.
“We leave through the door?” Her brows furrow, and her lips purse.
“Well, yes, obviously. I mean, you… you vanished.” I pause, my brows pinched. “Wait, you could have done that the whole time?”
My desire spikes, and my brother and I stand, slinking slowly towards her. She chose to let us take her. Her eyes sparkle, and her heady sweet scent spikes in the air.
She backs up slowly toward the couch. “Wait, wait.” We prowl closer, stopping only when she holds out a hand. “I was supposed to do something, so none of that. We’ll leave first, then we can continue.”
“We can’t leave,” I bite out, unhappy at the thought of her leaving without us.
“You could stay with us, though. I’ll fulfil your every dirty desire, little rabbit,” Dearil coos, like he is trying to lure her into the basement. Which, if she does stay, is where we would have to hide her, so it’s not too far off, I suppose.
I raise my brow and glower at my brother. Is he insane? He will get not just us killed but possibly our mate as well if he attempts to hide her here.
She frowns, and her skin crunches between her eyes. She is so cute. “Why can’t you leave?”
Dearil points to the matching steel collars that encircle both our necks with a smile that doesn’t reach his eyes. We’ve found our mate, and we can’t be with her for longer than this brief moment because we are trapped here like fucking guard dogs.
Chapter Four
Ipoint to theshackle around my neck, giving her a cruel smile. My brother glances my way. His eyes are full of battling emotions that I feel but choose to ignore.
Unlike my brother, I’ve never minded the shackle. However, at this moment, I hate it. I wish for nothing more than to tear it off my neck and follow our delicious mate. A part of me was pleased the shackle has kept me from killing more, because I am certain I would. If given free rein, my darker urges would have me feasting on anything and everything. My constant need to hunt, kill, devour is always lurking in my mind, never satisfied.
Yet for the first time, I find that need satiated. I actually feel full, and I haven’t eaten more than a delicious cunt. I lick my lips, wondering if I can taste her again before she goes, perhaps convince her to come back and visit. Or maybe I should hide her away on the estate. Keep her here forever. I think she would love it. She surrendered so beautifully before.
“You, you’re not… Why do you smell like a rabbit shifter?” Rev says. He sounds as baffled as I feel.
Or is it he who feels confused about it? I don’t care if she is a rabbit or a succubus. All I care is if we can do it again. Yup, it’s him who’s perplexed. He always thinks too much. She is ours, and that’s all we need to know.
“I had one for lunch,” she says, licking her lips as if savoring it, her sharp teeth peeking out now.
How did I not notice those before? I tilt my head, certain I would have.
I take in the woman anew with this new knowledge. Lithe legs, strong muscles, hidden teeth, devious eyes. She is built for the hunt, just like me. Maybe we can hunt another rabbit shifter together later. Oh, wouldn’t that be fun! I think I’m in love with our mate.
My woman moves closer to me, her delicate hands wrapping around my neck, feeling at the collar. I watch her, enjoying the feel of her hands on me.
“This seems like no problem. You can still come with me,” she says, nodding.
I am certain I would follow this woman into oblivion, so obviously I will go with her if she asks. Even if I have to tear apart our master and possibly ourselves to do so. She tightens her hand around my neck, and I lick my lips. Is my mate testing me?