Page 54 of Tasting Innocence
She laughs, realizing her brother’s pretty intoxicated. “It was Scarlet’s fault. I went all the way out to her house to get her, and she was having a meltdown over some guy, and then decided after nearly forty minutes that she didn’t want to come.”
“You’re solo?” I ask.
“I’ll be fine,” she states simply. “I have you guys. So, how’s the party?”
“Good,” Renzo answers. “Dex is out here breaking hearts.”
Her forehead wrinkles slightly before she smiles. “Oh yeah? How so?”
“He made up a girlfriend to get out of talking to some girl.” Violet’s smile grows as her eyes flicker to mine. “You know Dex can only handle the same girl for a short amount of time. He runs for the hills before feelings can develop.”
I sigh, knowing it’s the alcohol that’s making him unaware of how both Vi and I have gone quiet. Typically, I’d laugh along with him, because he’s not off base, but when the girl I’m trying to change for is right here, it’s really not the best thing to say. But how can I blame him? He has no idea.
“Let’s get you back to Ronan,” I say, moving to the door.
Once he’s back with his boyfriend and not concerned with anyone else around him, I gesture to Violet to head to the kitchen.
“Sorry about that,” I tell her.
She shrugs. “He’s drunk.”
“I did have to tell a girl I was dating someone, but it wasn’t a lie. He just happened to come up and she told him I was off the market, so when he questioned it, I didn’t feel like it was right to tell him now.”
“No, you’re right. It’s not a good time.” She pauses. “But, I don’t think you can say we’re really dating.”
I arch a brow. “No?”
“You haven’t taken me out anywhere,” she says with a small grin.
“I guess you’re right, but the night at my house was sort of like a date. We had food, movies, and...well, some extracurricular activities.” I swipe my tongue across my bottom lip, staring down at her and remembering everything we did.
She beams at me before looking down at the wallet in her hands and then perusing the area around us. “I can’t be around you without smiling. People are gonna know I like you.”
I chuckle and put a little more space between us. “Okay, let’s just talk like friends. Don’t think about my dick at all.”
“Oh my God,” she exclaims with a laugh.
I can’t stop smiling as I watch her. My cheeks actually start to ache. She’s absolutely beautiful, and her laugh hits me in the chest, making me feel warm and happy. Who needs alcohol when you can be drunk off another person?