Page 58 of Tasting Innocence
“Real fucking believable considering you two have been in the fucking bathroom for a good amount of time.”
Dex looks over Zo’s shoulder, and I can tell he’s trying to control his own anger. “Why don’t you let us talk about this somewhere else and not in front of an audience?”
My eyes move past the guys outside the door and I notice several people peering up from downstairs, interested in what’s going on.
Renzo shoves Dex back. “Why don’t you not give me any goddamn advice about my sister?”
“Hey,” Dex growls, standing up straight. “I understand your anger, but I’m not gonna take much more of you putting your hands on me.”
Zo pushes him again, his face red with anger. I’m sure the alcohol in his system isn’t helping anything either.
“I’m not gonna take you putting your hands on my sister, so what the fuck are you gonna do about it?”
Dex takes a deep breath, his fists balling up at his sides.
“Zo, let’s talk about this later,” Ronan says softly, trying to calm him down.
Without taking his gaze off Dex, he says, “There’s nothing to talk about. He’s gonna stop fucking around with my sister, and he’s gonna stay the fuck away from me from now on.”
“You’re not in charge of me,” I say. “I’m eighteen, Zo. I can make my own decisions.”
“Yeah, some real good decisions, those are,” he scoffs, glaring at me. “Dex, Violet? You want to be with Dex? You could have anyone you want. There’s plenty of good guys out there for you.”
“Dex is a good guy,” I state. “You’re talking a lot of shit about your best friend right now, you know that?”
“I didn’t have a reason to worry or care about what or who he was doing until now. You’re my family. He’s not.”
I watch as Dex flinches, the words hitting him hard. For someone who hardly has a family, I know he thinks of Zo as a brother.
“Why are you acting like you’re so much better than him? Or anybody? Before Ronan, you had your own reputation. Hell, if Dex hooked up with half the school, then you hooked up with the other half. But Ronan still saw something in you.”
“How long has this been going on?” he asks, changing the subject, because he knows I’m right.
“Not long, like Dex said.”
“I want to know how long.”
“You don’t need to know!” I push past him, ready to go. “I’m leaving. Don’t try to talk to me until you’re ready to be a decent person.”
“Oh, no you don’t,” I hear Zo say as I’m walking down the hall. I glance back and see him with his hand on Dex’s chest, stopping him from following me.
Dex smacks his hand off of him. “We’ll talk tomorrow, but I’m not gonna stand here and be your verbal punching bag. I know you’re mad, Zo, and I’m sorry things happened this way, but once you’re ready to hear me out, I’ll tell you everything.”
I’m able to get all the way out of the house, ignoring several sets of eyes boring into me, but once I’m at my car, I break down.
Soon, Dex is with me, his arms wrapping around my body as he rubs my back, kissing the top of my head. I sob even harder, angry and frustrated with Zo’s response.
“It’s okay,” he says, attempting to soothe me. “He won’t stay mad at you for long.”
I sniffle and step back, looking up at him. “He said such cruel things about you. I’m sorry, Dex. I’m so sorry.”
He pulls me closer and hugs me tighter.