Page 80 of Tasting Innocence
“I know,” I reply, grabbing onto her hips as she straddles me. “I love your whimpers and moans. They’re music to my ears.”
She leans down and kisses me before sitting back, her nails dragging down my chest. “Guess you’ll have to stop being so good at what you do if you want me to be quiet.”
I grab the back of her neck and pull her closer. “Fuck that. Now I’m gonna make sure everyone within a five mile radius can hear you. Brother be damned.”
She smirks before our mouths come together in a fiery kiss. Violet grinds against my cock as I tug on her hair.
“Hey, we’re about—”
Violet jumps back at the sound of Ronan’s voice.
“No, go back,” he tells Renzo, disappearing into the hall.
We get off the bed, and while I readjust myself in my pants, Violet checks her makeup, both of us laughing quietly.
“They’re fucking already?” Renzo asks. “It’s been five minutes.”
“Nobody’s fucking,” Violet yells.
I slip my finger through her belt loop and pull her into me, planting another firm kiss on her lips. “Yet.”
“I heard that,” Renzo growls. “I knew we should’ve got a cabin farther away.”
Violet slides her hand in mine and we both join Ronan and Renzo in the living room.
“Or you could just not walk into other people’s places without announcing yourselves,” she says.
“Yeah, because you can bet your ass I won’t be walking into y’all’s place. Lord knows what I’d see.”
Ronan snorts and then Renzo laughs. “Yeah, good call, because I don’t limit what we do to the bedroom.”
“Ugh. Stop,” Vi complains. “Let’s go eat. I’m starving and need to eat ASAP.”
We follow Zo and Ronan out, but I wrap my arm around Violet and put my mouth near her ear and say, “I can’t wait to eat something else.”
She giggles, stretching up on her tiptoes to kiss me. “Then let’s hurry up and get back.”