Page 30 of Breaking Free
“You didn’t suck on my thumb while looking up at me with sex-filled eyes, desperate for more?”
I hate him. I fucking hate him. He’s right, but I hate that he’s right.
“And here we are. What could we do in here? Your dick is already out.”
I angle my head over my shoulder. “I’m taking a piss. Do you want me to pee on you?”
He crosses his arms over his chest and gives a slight shrug. “Not really my kink.”
“What is?” I ask before thinking better of it.
“You can find out.”
Warmth floods my cheeks, so I quickly finish up and walk to the sink. “So, I guess you’re coming to my house.”
“Don’t sound too excited.”
I shut off the water and turn around to walk to the hand dryer, which he is standing right next to. “I really don’t care,” I say, hoping it’s believable.
He grins like he can see right through me. “Okay.”
I shake my head, letting out a huff. “You’re really fucking annoying.”
“I don’t think I’m annoying. I think you want me. You want me so bad it hurts. You like that I’ve taken an interest in you. You enjoy that I flirt with you even though you say you hate it. If I stopped paying attention to you, you’d be upset. You want me to want you, but you won’t allow yourself to admit you want me. You want to be able to act out every single thing you’ve thought about doing to me, but you’re afraid. You’re scared to want me. You hate that you actually like me, and that’s what’s annoying. Not me.”
I stare at him, stuck in place. He’s right. Of course he fucking is, and of course I fucking hate it. I’m not about to admit that to him, though.
Dominic pushes away from the wall and steps up to me, his foot touching mine. “You already know I want you, and you know thatIknow you want me.” His nose barely grazes my cheek as his breath dances across my skin. “Just admit it, Campbell. I won’t tell anyone. Tell me you want me and let me give it to you.” His lips touch the shell of my ear, and at this moment I’m trapped in his bubble. I’m ready to tell him whatever he wants to hear just so he’ll touch me. My body aches for his touch.
A laugh outside the door bursts the bubble right before it swings open. My heart hammers in my chest at the thought of getting caught being so close to Dominic. Thank God it’s only Renzo.
He takes in the scene and grins. “Hey, boys.” His eyes find mine. “Cars are ready to go. Waiting on you.”
“Yeah, okay. I’m coming.”
“Looks like I walked in before that could happen,” he jokes. “Sorry.”
Dom chuckles, unaffected.
I throw Renzo a look, but he just shrugs. “See you there?” he asks Dominic.
I look back at him, waiting for his answer. “If Campbell wants me there.”
Fucking asshole. He knows what he’s doing.
Both Renzo and Dom’s gazes are on me, waiting.
“Yeah,” I finally say. “Yeah, I want you there.”
Dom smiles before I turn and walk out of the bathroom.
As soon asI get home, me and everybody else that was with us at the bar, take a shot. I turn up some music, pull out the alcohol I’ve collected from people bringing stuff over when I have parties, and tell everyone to make themselves at home.
My place isn’t ever really a mess, but now that I know Dominic is coming, I find myself searching every square inch to make sure it looks decent. I head to the bathroom to make sure it’s clean, then stop in my room to look over the bed.
Why am I even doing this? Why am I assuming he’ll see my bedroom?