Page 41 of Breaking Free
“You wrestle?” I ask Jay.
“Do you?” I ask Matthew.
He grins, his cheeks blushing. “No, but I don’t mind watching.”
I chuckle. “I see.”
“I fucking hate chemistry. Why did I choose this class?”
I spin around and find Trevor dropping a couple books to the table Liv and Naomi are sitting at behind Jay.
Jay laughs. “Told you to choose biology.”
Trevor eyes me briefly before noticing Naomi. Deciding I’m the lesser of two evils, he stands between me and Jay.
I turn my attention back to Matthew, who’s telling me something about the last wrestling match he went to.
“I know it doesn’t sound like it’s fun to watch, but it is.”
“Guys in skintight suits? Of course it’s fun to watch.”
He laughs. “So, you’re on the football team?”
“Yeah, our first game is this Friday.”
He sinks his teeth into his bottom lip briefly before smiling. “Maybe I’ll actually check it out. Guys in tight...pants? Are they pants?” he asks.
Me and Jay laugh, but Trevor looks unamused as his eyes bounce between me and Matthew.
“Anyway, it might be fun to watch that, too,” Matthew says. “What’s your favorite position?”
I chuckle. “I don’t switch positions on the field. I’m always a running back. Unless you’re asking about my favorite position in other things.”
His face blooms red. “Oh. I didn’t mean...but yeah. Okay.”
Jay’s in the middle of a laughing fit, but Trevor eyes me and then Matthew, before giving me a look like,really? This guy?
But he doesn’t get to be mad or jealous.
Jay checks his watch again. “Shit, I gotta go. Catch y’all later.”
“Oh, me too,” Matthew says. “I’ll see you around?” he asks me.
“Definitely. Jay knows how to get in touch with me. Maybe I’ll see you after the game Friday? We can figure out what your favorite position is.”
Okay, I admit I said that mainly to piss Trevor off.
Matthew blushes again. “Yeah. Okay,” he says with a smile before walking away.
I let my teeth drag across my bottom lip as I watch him leave, then my eyes land on Trevor. “I like ‘em sweet like that. Bet he’ll come all over my hand in a few seconds, too.”
I wink at him and leave him standing there, fuming.
* * *
He’s stillpissed when he sees me in the locker room, but I ignore him, choosing to talk to Jay about Matthew instead.