Page 83 of Tempting Him
She scoffs. “Stop lying. It’s so obvious.”
“He’s mad at me. Well, I’m mad at him, too. It’s not a big deal. Don’t worry. We’ll get over it.”
“I’m just confused, because we hadn’t been here that long and as soon as we saw you for the first time yesterday, you’re already pissed, and then Dad comes in pissed, but he was supposed to be seeing his friend, and you know, shit doesn’t add up.”
I peer down at her. “Are you supposed to be cussing?”
“Don’t change the subject. But also, don’t tell Mom and Dad,” she says, looking over her shoulder.
“Don’t worry about it. Me and Dad are fine. But we do need to talk about you snitchin’ on me. What’s that about?”
She allows me to change the subject, and eventually our parents catch up to us, so I never have to answer her question. We finish our day with a trip to the mall and then dinner before they retire to their room and I go back to the frat house.
Sunday is full of stuff my mom wants to do—breakfast, taking family pictures at a park, then going back to the hotel to swim. Unfortunately, all that does is remind me of the times I got Alek in the pool. I wonder if he’s still here.
As I lounge in one of the chaise chairs, Mom gets out of the pool and sits next to me.
“What’s goin’ on, baby? You seem down.”
I force a smile. “I’m fine.”
“Mmhmm. You know your momma knows what that means. I’ve said it many times in my life, and I almost never mean it when I do. Especially when you plaster on that fake smile.”
I laugh, shaking my head while I watch Dad and Janae in the pool. “It’s nothing.”
“You and your dad seem to be on shaky ground. He won’t tell me what happened, but it’s obvious something did.”
“I suppose I disappointed him.”
“I doubt that,” she says instantly. “We’re so proud of you.”
“It’s a long story, and one that I guess doesn’t need to be told. We’ll be fine, though.”
She studies me for a while. “You can talk to me if you need to.”
“I know, Mom. Thanks.”
When Monday rolls around, I almost hope to see Alek at the office, but as soon as I step inside the building, I know he isn’t there. Not only was his car not out front, but his presence isn’t felt.
At Linda’s desk, she informs me that Luther is now occupying Alek’s office and tells me Mr. Drakos had to hurry back to Chicago for an important business matter. Only I know the truth.
I didn’t anticipate feeling the way I do with him gone. It started off as meaningless sex but along the way, it turned into more and I didn’t seem to realize it until it was over.
On Thursday,it’s announced that I was one of three interns chosen to work at MGD. On Friday, I graduate from college.
My parents and sister cheer for me when I walk across the stage, but I still can’t help scanning the crowd, hoping to see a familiar face with blue-green eyes staring back at me.
The morning stretches into the afternoon with tons of pictures being taken after the ceremony is done. After chatting with my friends for a while afterwards and going over the plans for celebrating tonight, I depart campus for the last time.
My parents take me out to eat, and once we’re done, we head back to their hotel.
“I’m so proud of you, baby. You’ve done so well. I can’t wait to see how you shape your life,” Mom says, squeezing me into the fiftieth hug today.
“Thanks, Mom,” I reply, hugging her back. “I’m extremely grateful for yours and Dad’s help getting me here.”
Dad gives me a hug once Mom releases me, our fight behind us for the most part. “Congratulations, son. Like your mom said, we’re beyond proud of you. You’re going to do great things.”