Page 52 of His Secret
“You don’t wanna check out the other one? What if it’s better?” Adrian asks, walking around my room.
“It doesn't matter. As long as there’s a bed, I’m good. And they both have their own bathrooms.”
“Okay. Well, I guess I’m gonna go unpack.”
“Wanna get something to eat after? I’m starving.”
Thirty minutes later, we’re downstairs eating at a buffet restaurant.
“I’ve never been to Vegas before, have you?” Adrian asks between bites of his food.
“A couple times.”
“Think we’ll have time to sightsee?” he asks with a boyish grin.
“Starting tomorrow, the itinerary is full of conferences, workshops, and keynote speakers.”
I smirk. “We have today, and we can extend an extra day. It’ll be a Saturday anyway, so it’s not like we have to go back to work right away.”
His smile is wide and beaming. “I think that’s a great idea.”
After we’re done eating, we go back to the room to change into clothes better suited for the scorching heat, and then make our way down into the lobby.
“Where to?” I ask him.
“Let’s just wander around here first. I heard they have a huge aquarium.”
I pay for us to go into the shark reef aquarium, where we walk through the tunnel and watch as the sharks, fish, and turtles swim above and around us.
After that, we hotel hop, making our way down the strip, and doing everything from riding gondolas, walking through a shopping area built to look like a street in ancient Rome, and riding the big apple coaster, which admittedly took some convincing from Adrian.
We stop inside The Excalibur to cool down and find something to drink and snack on. At a sports bar, we see signage for the Thunder from Down Under show that takes place in this resort.
“Interested?” I ask Adrian with a lifted brow when I notice him reading the information on the sign.
His cheeks redden slightly and he gives me a sheepish smile. “No.” When I just grin, he says, “Unless you want to.”
I laugh, taking a sip of my water. “I wasn’t thinking about it.”
He looks at the photo again—a shot of six shirtless men, all of them chiseled beyond belief.
“Can I ask you a personal question?” I ask, wiping my mouth after taking a bite of salad.
Adrian meets my gaze before picking up one of his buffalo wings. “I’m kind of nervous, but okay.”
“Why are you married?” I pause. “To a woman.”
He tenses up, pausing mid-way to taking a bite. He puts the wing down on his plate and licks his fingers.
“Well, okay. I suppose I expected this question.”
“I’m just confused. You said you were gay.”
His shifty eyes let me know he’s still very nervous about anyone finding out.