Page 11 of Fire in My Blood
My cock hardens and presses painfully against the zipper of my jeans. I’ve never wanted to kiss and fuck a woman this badly. It’s almost like she has put a spell on me, my reaction to her is that strong.
“Fuck!” I know I can’t have her. No matter if I can somehow get past her fear of letting me close. She’s not for me.
Closing my eyes, I let my chin drop to my chest and breathe out a deep sigh. She’s human, and I’m not. We all agreed to the rules a long time ago. Sex with a human is strictly forbidden.
I raise my head and put a determined smile on my face. This is only a passing interest. Sure, she’s a little out of the ordinary, and not someone I’ll soon forget. But my budding obsession with her might well be a result of my imprisonment and the strain it’s putting on my body.
I will get past this. I have to.
I pace in my living room, unable to rest. I can’t stop thinking about the prisoner. My heart almost stopped beating when I stumbled and crashed into him. Panic set in and I was certain my life was over.
But instead he surprised me. Not only did he let me go without trying anything, but he became furious when he realized someone had hurt me. His reaction made my chest swell with emotion, and I almost convinced myself that I mean something to him. Which is completely absurd.
After getting ready for bed, I crawl beneath the sheets and stare unblinking at the ceiling.
I have to find out why they have him locked up. He’s probably still suspicious of me, but if I can learn more about him, perhaps I can find a way to help him.
My gut is telling me he doesn’t belong here. But even if I can find a way to remove his chains and help him escape, the consequences if we get caught are too great. I don’t want to land him in any more trouble than he already is. And I don’t really want to end up as a convict. If only there was another way to helphim? But in order to come up with a viable plan, I need to know more about him and how he ended up incarcerated.
I sleep better that night than I have in a long time, and I’m more rested than I usually am when I get up at dawn.
After my normal workout, shower, and breakfast, I head out to buy gifts for my niece and nephew. My brother and his wife always berate me for bringing their children a present every time I visit, but I love their excited small faces when they tear off the wrapping paper. It’s not like I have a lot of people to buy gifts for, so I consider it one of my privileges as their aunt to be able to bring them small presents whenever I see them.
It’s Saturday, and the shops are packed with people. It has been raining, and it’s still cloudy even though the rain has stopped. People are obviously using that as an excuse to go shopping instead of spending time outside.
After finding a few things for the children, I swing by the grocery store. It doesn’t take me long to gather the ingredients for my special chocolate cake.
While I measure up and mix all the ingredients for the cake base, my mind keeps circling back to the prisoner. I’ll see him again today, and I’ll try to find out more about him. I don’t even know his name yet. But then he doesn’t know mine either. Perhaps that’s a good place to start.
I’m going to bring him more water, as well, and not just for today but also for tomorrow. Sundays are my only day off, and I won’t be able to visit him and give him more water.
My hands still and my lips press into a tight line. As far as I know, nobody is working in the office building on Sundays. Does that mean that no one will visit him at all for more than twenty-four hours? I shudder to think of him being left alone without anyone to check on him for that long. But from whatI’ve experienced so far, I don’t know why I’m surprised. They obviously don’t care about his well-being at all.
By the time I get to work that afternoon, I’ve made up my mind. It’s only a small part of my normal cleaning routine that’s strictly necessary to complete today. Nobody will notice if I skip the dusting and vacuuming for one day. Particularly since just a handful of people tend to work on Saturdays. Instead, I will spend more time with the man in the basement and try to work my way through his defenses.
I enter his room the way I’ve done the previous nights and click on the light. He’s standing by the wall with a warm smile on his face when our eyes meet. I can’t help the way I drink him in, and a small shiver races down my spine. He’s just that gorgeous.
“Nice to see you again.” His gaze dips to my neck with a look of hunger, but it disappears so quickly I wonder if it was just a figment of my overactive imagination.
Before I can change my mind, I stride up to him and stick out my hand. “I’m Erica, and it’s nice to see you again as well.”
I give him a warm smile while my heart tries to beat its way out of my chest. Rationally, I know he’s not going to hurt me, but my body is not yet convinced.
His eyes widen in surprise. Then, he grips my hand in a firm handshake. “I’m Lucas.”
A tingling sensation spreads from my hand all the way up my arm before settling like a low vibration in my lower belly. I yank my hand away from his. To try to cover up my reaction, I quickly shove the water bottle at him.
He silently takes the bottle and brings it to his lips.
While he gulps down the liquid, my gaze lowers down his body. He’s still not wearing any shirt so there’s nothingobstructing my view of his wide chest and defined abs. Heat rushes through me when I remember how the warm skin of his chest felt under my palms yesterday, and my hands itch to touch him again.
The sound of his chuckle brings my gaze back up to his. His eyes are practically glittering with amusement, and when he winks at me, heat rushes up into my cheeks; I know they’ve turned a bright red. The embarrassment makes me take a step back and avert my gaze.