Page 23 of Fire in My Blood
“So, how do you want me?” I stare at Lucas’s ruined chest. It brings me back to the horrible reality of our circumstances.
“What?” Lucas’s voice sounds strange.
I lift my gaze to his face and see a mix of confusion and something else in his blue eyes. Heat? Hunger?
My face flames and I blurt, “I mean, do you want to bite my neck, my wrist, or…”
An amused smile curves his tempting lips. “Your wrist would be perfect. And don’t worry, I’ll be careful.”
I raise my left arm toward him, and he grips it in his right one and brings it to his mouth. His gaze locks with mine.
There’s a sharp pinch when he sinks his teeth into my wrist, but the pain rapidly changes to a sensual heat that spreads from the bite directly to my clit. The sensitive bundle of nerves starts throbbing in time with his swallows.
I gasp and squirm as I squeeze my thighs together in response to the intense need. Lucas’s eyes darken, and the hunger in them is unmistakable. But I can’t tell whether it’s hunger for sustenance or sex.
He suddenly withdraws his teeth from my wrist and licks the wound. It starts itching and prickling like it’s already healing.
“It’ll be gone in a minute. The bite, I mean.” Lucas’s voice is deeper and more gravelly than usual, and his eyes are still dark.
“I’m sorry. I should’ve warned you my bite can be sexual, but I honestly thought I was too weak to affect you like that rightnow.” His gaze drops to my lap, and he visibly swallows. “I think we should get out of here. My wounds are almost healed. Thank you for that.”
“Okay. No problem.” My voice is a bit shrill, but I can’t help it. My body is burning with desire, and the whole experience is unsettling. It’s not at all what I expected when he bit me.
Images spin through my head of Lucas kissing me again, but this time we’re both naked, and he’s rubbing my clit.
“Erica. We have to leave. I don’t want them catching you here with me looking like that.”
His voice brings me back from my daydream, and I nod absently as my gaze drops to his chest. “But—” I stutter to a stop as I try to make sense of what I see.
His chest is still covered in blood, but the wounds have closed. They’re still puckered and ugly and will leave some nasty scars, but they look days old.
“That’s unbelievable.” I shake my head in disbelief. And suddenly a jumble of emotions crashes through me. Happiness, relief, astonishment, and a feeling of immense gratefulness. Tears flow down my face again, and I’m unable to stop them.
“Erica, what’s wrong?” Lucas’s concerned expression is barely visible through my blurred vision.
Unable to say anything, I launch myself at him and bury my face in the crook of his neck. I cling to him as I let go of my fear for his life. He’s going to be all right, which means everything he just told me might actually be true.
Lucas’s arms come around me, and his hands stroke my back in a soothing rhythm. “Erica, please don’t cry. Everything is going to be fine.”
I snort and push out of his arms. Gazing into his eyes, I wipe my face with the back of my hands. “Yes, I know. These are happy tears. I’m sorry if I’m confusing the hell out of you. It’sjust a lot to take in, okay? From thinking you were dead to seeing you alive and almost healed.”
I breathe out and close my eyes for a second to find my equilibrium. When I open them again, I look down at the chains connecting him to the wall. “So, how do we get you out of these chains?”
The thick manacles on his wrists have locks with a distinct keyhole, and I clench my teeth not to voice my worry.
“We need the key. I’m strong, but not strong enough to break these.” Lucas looks a bit apologetic. “David took it with him when he left after putting them on.”
Nodding, I force a smile. “I’ll check his office. He’s probably stashed it there somewhere.” My gaze lands on his chest again. “And I’ll see if I can find you a shirt or something to wear. I’ll be right back.”
Without meeting his gaze, I hurry out of the room and down the corridor to the elevator. Doubt and fear gnaw in my stomach, but I try to ignore it. I have to believe this is going to work. And if it doesn’t, I’ll call my brother and tell him everything. I’d rather take the blame and whatever punishment I’m due than leave Lucas to fend for himself.
Relief washes through me at my resolve, and the smile curving my lips is genuine and confident. Whatever happens we’ll face it together, Lucas and me. But I won’t give up my mission to get him out of here until I’ve tried everything.
I hurry down the corridor toward David’s office, and that’s when I notice my hands. They’re covered in blood. I quickly change course and head into the bathroom.
After washing away the blood on my face and hands, I wipe off as much of the blood as possible from my clothes with paper towels before flushing them down the toilet. I have clean clothes in the bag in my car, but that doesn’t help me now.
David’s office is tidy, and I quickly check the obvious places like the drawers in his desk, and the bookshelves. But the key is nowhere to be found.