Page 31 of Fire in My Blood
My eyes are glued to Lynette’s shapely backside as she sashays out of my office. And as usual my cock wakes up at the sight.
I’m always careful not to give her a reason to think I’m attracted to her. But it’s getting harder, literally.
Her long wavy red hair resembles flames licking down her back when she walks. I wouldn’t mind doing some licking down her back myself, preferably while I’m pounding into her tight, wet pussy.
I adjust my black leather pants to accommodate my now hard shaft.
Lynette fought her way into my life almost three hundred years ago. I still remember that night as if it were yesterday.
Her red hair was blazing as she fought a much larger rogue werewolf. The alpha wolf had been terrorizing villagers and farmers, eating children and women, and maiming the men trying to protect their families. Lynette was a vision to behold as she danced through her deadly fight with the werewolf.
There was never any doubt in my mind who would win that fight. The werewolf fought well, but he was no match for thered-haired vampire. Her hand-to-hand combat moves surpass almost everything I’ve seen. There are only a handful of people, all men twice her size, that I know to be better.
It took me almost a century to convince her to work with me and my team of elemental enforcers. She was happy with her one-woman show and was reluctant to work with us. And with her background, I’m not surprised.
Her maker was a sadist with a preference for raping and torturing his victims, women as well as men. And Lynette was forced to watch what he did to them until we killed him almost three centuries ago.
She became a protector of humans after her maker was gone, and she has been living for that cause ever since.
I close my eyes and lean my head back against the tall back of my chair. My gut sours at the knowledge that I’ve been lying to Lynette for the last two weeks. Or at least lying by omission.
Aidan, the earth elemental in my team, called me two weeks ago to tell me that Lynette’s maker is still alive. We didn’t kill him back then as we thought we did, but then that’s the problem with old vampires. They turn to ash almost instantly, which makes it impossible to confirm who was really killed.
But I haven’t told her yet, because I’m scared of how she will react when I do. She will be shocked and devastated. But what I fear the most is her fury.
We need to go after the asshole and make sure we kill him this time. But before we do that, we need to know what we’re up against.
However, I already know that Lynette won’t have the patience to wait. She will want to go after him immediately, without any consideration for her own safety. And I can’t let her do that.
Opening my eyes, I get to my feet and start pacing in front of my desk.
Throughout my life I’ve been a collector, gathering beautiful things and displaying them in my mansions around the world. But they all pale in comparison to the woman who has captured my heart.
For many years I thought it would be enough to see her regularly and have her working with my team. But it’s becoming increasingly impossible to hide my feelings for her. I want her in my life, not just as a colleague, but as my woman.
I walk around my desk and stop in front of the large window behind my chair. The moon is shining on the calm surface of the lake outside, a sight that usually makes me smile. But not tonight.
Our time is almost up. I can feel it. I won’t be able to postpone telling Lynette about her maker for much longer, and when I do, she will leave. And I may never see her again.
Chapter 19
He wraps his hands around my throat and squeezes. I claw at his hands with my fingernails, but he just looks into my eyes and laughs coldly.
“I found you,” he whispers. “Now you’re mine forever.”
Fear spreads throughout my body, turning my veins to ice. I thrash wildly with my arms and legs to get away, but he just squeezes my neck harder until I can’t breathe.
Gasping for breath, I snap my eyes open. My arms and legs are tangled in the sheets, and I tear at them until I’m free.
Reality finally penetrates my fear, and I realize I’ve just had a nightmare. After taking in the room around me, I remember where I am and why.
Still breathing hard, I reach for the sheets and straighten them before pulling them up to my nose. It’s still dark outside, and I should probably try to get some more sleep.