Page 4 of Fire in My Blood
I scrub a hand down my face, not sure what to think. When the woman first entered the room, I was convinced she was one of the team trying to get me to talk. But now I’m not so sure. Her shock at seeing me seemed so genuine. Either she’s a superior actress, or she really had no idea I was there when she walked in.
Whoever she is, though, she’s beautiful. And strong, judging by the visible muscles in her forearms, the only parts of her body not hidden by her shapeless clothes. If they want to torment me, they picked the right woman to do it.
It’s been a long time since I had such a strong reaction to a female. If I wasn’t so good at hiding my emotions, my appreciation would certainly have been apparent on my face.
Her big beautiful brown eyes stared at me like she couldn’t look away. All while I admired her flawless skin, graceful neck, and high ponytail of golden blond hair.
My hands itch as I think about gripping that ponytail while I pound into her…No.What the fuck am I thinking? I can’t let her get to me, even if she has the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever had the pleasure of gazing into.
Her eyes. My jaw slackens in shock.
She stared directly into my eyes. They all know not to do that. Which means she can’t be one of my captors.
Or have they managed to find one of the few who can resist my pull? I didn’t try pulling her mind to me, since I was too busytrying to prevent my reaction to her from showing on my face to even think of the possibility.
“Wow, she really did a number on you, you dumb fuck.” I shake my head at myself in disgust.
They’re good, much better than I anticipated. And I clearly have to be more careful. They have a strategy that’s well thought out. And I have to make sure they don’t get to me.
I toss and turn all night. Every time I fall asleep, the prisoner’s mesmerizing blue eyes haunt me. It’s like he’s still watching me, even here in my own apartment.
At dawn, I finally give up and throw off the covers. It’s pointless to try to get more sleep, so I might as well do something useful.
I put on my running clothes, gather my hair in a ponytail, and brush my teeth before I head out for my morning workout session. All the time while going through my usual routine, my mind keeps returning to my meeting with the prisoner yesterday.
Why is he locked up in that room? He just doesn’t seem like a common thug. At least not to me. And surely if he was, he would be in a police cell and not at a military base. Perhaps he’s a spy or something. That would make more sense. Particularly since he confirmed they are trying to squeeze information from him.
What upsets me, though, is how he’s treated. No access to water or food, and no camera or available personnel to make sure he’s all right. It’s just too cruel to be tolerated.
Is David aware of what’s going on two floors below his office? It’s hard to imagine my brother taking part in tormenting a man, even if it is for the good of the country.
David has always looked out for me since I was young. Nobody has ever been able to bother me at school or anywhere else without consequences. I wasn’t all that surprised when he chose a career in the military,to keep everyone safeas he put it.
I bite the inside of my cheek. My brother and his wife are the only people who know about my assault, and why I’ve turned into the socially distant and exercise-obsessed person I have.
I can still remember the shock and pain in David’s eyes when I told him what happened. He’d tried to convince me to report it to the police, but I refused. All I wanted was to forget, and telling the police would lead to an investigation that would keep the incident fresh in my mind for a long time.
It all happened so fast that night. And even though it was four years ago, it’s as vivid in my mind as if it happened just yesterday.
I was walking down an alley on my way home from a girls’ night out. The alley was dark, but it was a shortcut I had used many times, so I didn’t even consider the risk.
I didn’t hear him come up behind me, until I was suddenly pushed face first into the brick wall. Dazed from smacking my head against the wall, I didn’t react at first when I was pinned between a large male body and the wall. But I knew it was a man based on his height and his hard cock digging into my lower back.
He leaned in and whispered in my ear, “What is a pretty little thing like you doing outside in the dark on your own? Don’t you know there are monsters lurking in the shadows?”
Then he chuckled. “Well, all the better for me. I’ll enjoy showing you what a monster feels like.”
My instincts finally kicked in, and I fought in desperation to get free. But it was like trying to move an eighteen-wheeler. He gathered both my wrists in one hand above my head and used his body to lock me against the wall. His other hand all but ripped my pants and panties from my body.
I tried to scream, but I didn’t have enough breath. I was barely able to pull any air into my lungs at all with how he had me pressed against the wall. I couldn’t do anything to stop what was happening, and panic was threatening to take over.
Cold air hit my lower body, and he shoved his hand between my legs and forced a finger inside me. “Nice and tight just the way I like it,” he whispered next to my ear. His finger disappeared and something hard was placed at my entrance.
He entered me with one violent thrust and pain tore through me. His grunting in my ear seemed to go on forever as he kept hammering me until one long groan signaled his climax.