Page 42 of Fire in My Blood
“So, he told you he’s a vampire? Just like that?” David’s voice is hesitant.
“Well, he had to explain how he survived five bullets to the chest. I thought he was dead when I found him in a pool of blood.” My anger starts simmering again. It’s hard to think of David shooting Lucas without reacting.
“You can’t visit him again, Erica. I won’t allow it. How did you even find him?”
I let out an inaudible sigh. David still thinks Lucas is in the basement. “I opened the wrong door when I needed more detergent.” That was the truth after all.
“David, I helped Lucas escape.”
I wince as his yell reverberates in my head.
“Erica, I was trying to find the vampire who attacked you. Lucas, or whatever his name is, would’ve taken me to him eventually.”
My mind produces an image of David throwing his hands up in exasperation, like he usually does when he feels slighted, and I almost burst out laughing. It’s probably the stress, horror, and strangeness of the last few days that are getting to me. And perhaps the lack of sleep.
I swallow down the emotions and clear my throat. “David, please listen to me. I trust Lucas—”
“Erica, you can’t—”
“David! Listen to me. I’m the one who was attacked, and I decide what I want to do. That is not your decision. I love you, and you have done a lot for me. I know you want to protect me, and I’m grateful. But nowyouhave to trustme.”
I pause for a second, trying to find the correct words. “I’m with Lucas and another vampire, female vampire, at a secret location. They want to help me find the vampire who attacked me and kill him. Lucas is one of the good guys, David. I know you don’t want to believe that, but he is. I trust him, with my life.”
“Has he fed on you?” David’s voice is strained with anger. My words haven’t calmed him like I hoped they would but rather the opposite.
“I’m going to hang up now, David. I’ll try to call you tonight.” I end the call before he has time to respond and let out a frustrated sigh.
It’s not what I would call a success, but at least he knows I’m okay. Or, perhaps that’s not what he believes at all, but he knows I’m still alive.
Pushing my irritation away, I get up and head to the bathroom to take a shower. After that and some food, I’ll be ready to face the day.
Chapter 26
When I step out of the bathroom, wearing only a towel, both Lucas and my bag are in my bedroom. His hair is wet, and he’s dressed in a T-shirt and snug black jeans. The T-shirt accentuates his massive shoulders and thick biceps, and the jeans emphasize his muscular thighs.
Grinning at him, I let the towel fall to puddle around my bare feet.
His eyes widen, and his mouth drops open as his gaze glides down my body from top to bottom, lingering a few seconds on my breasts and pussy on the way. When his eyes finally return to mine, they’re almost black with hunger.
He abruptly turns to face the other way. “Please, put some clothes on, Erica.” His voice is deep and raspy. “We have a lot to do today, and if I take you to bed now, I won’t be able to let you go for hours.”
A happy grin splits my face. That’s a refusal I can live with.
Being desired by the man I want is a delicious feeling, and something I can barely remember experiencing before, at least like this. It’s hard to believe a man like Lucas can find me attractive, but I’m not about to complain, far from it.
I dress quickly in a figure-hugging light-purple sweater and tight blue jeans. There’s another sweater in my bag as well as another change of panties and socks, but if I end up staying here for more than a couple of days, I’ll need more clothes.
“Okay, Lucas, you can turn around now.” I chuckle when he spins toward me, and his gaze automatically zooms in on my chest.
A growl rumbles low in his throat. “I still want to throw you on that bed and have my wicked way with you.” He saunters toward me with a mischievous look in his eyes.
I laugh and back up slowly. “What would you have me wear then, a long baggy dress?”