Page 58 of Fire in My Blood
“Are you ready?” His voice is rough. “I can’t hold off much longer. You’ll come when I bite you.”
“Yes, bite me.” My voice is raw and desperate.
He nestles his face into the crook of my neck, and I feel a pinch. Slamming his shaft deep inside me, he sucks my blood into his mouth, and I scream in ecstasy. My pussy practically vibrates with powerful contractions, and my clit throbs with the extreme pleasure.
I bite down on his shoulder and hold on for dear life. His body tenses, almost like a spring ready to snap above me. Then he releases my shoulder and roars my name.
I spasm and shudder with endless pleasure that threatens to take my mind. The violent jerking of his cock inside me seems to go on forever, keeping me in a perpetual state of orgasm on a level above the stars.
After what feels like minutes, I slowly come down. My body is completely drained from exhaustion and satisfaction, and I have to concentrate to feel my extremities.
My legs are still wrapped loosely around Lucas’s hips, but my arms are no longer around his neck. They are resting on the bed beside me. I try to move them, but it requires too much of my nonexistent energy.
I try to speak, but my tongue is sluggish, and all that comes out is a weak little moan. I swallow and move my tongue aroundto encourage my mouth to work. There’s a strange taste in my mouth, pleasant but unfamiliar.
“Lucas, that was beyond… Just beyond.” My voice is nothing more than a whisper, but at least the words are understandable.
“Yes, it was. Thank you.” He whispers the words in my ear.
I chuckle. “No, thankyou.”
He lifts his head and looks at me with an emotion in his eyes that could easily be mistaken for love. His gaze drops to my mouth, and he narrows his eyes. “Did you bite your tongue?”
I start to shake my head before I glance at his shoulder and gasp. “I’m so sorry. I remember holding onto your shoulder with my teeth, but I didn’t realize I broke your skin. Does it hurt?”
Lucas’s eyes grow big and round with shock, and when he speaks it’s almost like he’s in a trance. “No, I’m fine.”
He pulls out of me and slowly backs away until he’s standing at the foot of the bed, staring at me.
I blink up at him while fear crawls up my spine like a thousand small spiders. “I’m sorry, Lucas. I never meant to bite you.”
Something like panic shows in his eyes, and he snatches the towel from the floor before wrapping it around his waist. “I have to go. You’re not safe as long as that vampire is out there looking for you.” Then he spins and strides to the door.
“Lucas?” My voice is wobbly, betraying the anxiety tightening its hold on me.
He opens the door before pausing, but he doesn’t turn his head to look at me. “Lyn will be up soon. Talk to her.” Then, he walks out and closes the door behind him.
I lie there, completely stunned. What happened? We just shared the most amazing experience, and to me it felt like weconnected on a higher level. Almost like we tied a mental and emotional bond between us. I don’t even know how to describe the experience, but it was almost like we became one in a way that transcended simple feelings.
Chapter 36
I stare out the window of the private jet. We’re still climbing, and I study the familiar scenery falling away underneath us.
I have an hour to gather my thoughts and review the information we have about the Mateo brotherhood. It’s not enough time, but it will have to do.
“Fuck!” My nails dig into my palms as I ball my fists. I have to tell Lynette her maker is still alive. And she’ll be furious when she realizes I’ve known for two weeks without telling her.
It’s not her fury that scares me, though. It’s her going after him alone. Because she will once she learns he’s still around and probably up to his old tricks.
I frown. Unless I can find a reason to postpone telling her.
Lucas’s suspicions about the vampire he’s after is disturbing, but they’re still only suspicions. There’s no evidence the brotherhood has resurfaced. We will investigate, of course, but hopefully this has nothing to do with the Mateo brotherhood and its sadistic master.
Energy like a lightning bolt hits me, knocking the breath from my chest. Something creaks followed by a sharp crack, and too late I realize one of the armrests is loose in my hand.
The energy leaves me as fast as it hit, and I suck in a lungful of breath, my jaw hanging open in shock.