Page 68 of Fire in My Blood
“Lucas, I’ve talked to her. And since you’re too scared to go to her, I’ll tell you what she said.”
“I don’t want to know.” I don’t even bother to deny that I’m scared, because I am. It’s not a feeling I’m used to. In fact, I can’t even remember the last time I was scared before this.
“Yes, you do. She loves you.”
Fury burns through my veins, and I glare at my team leader. “That’s low.”
Markus’s gaze is unwavering. “She told me, and I saw the truth in her eyes when she spoke the words. Erica is devastated that you hate her for biting you.”
My heart completely loses its rhythm, and I choke as I try to draw breath into my frozen lungs.
That’s not right. I saw the horror in her eyes and felt her pain. Did I really misunderstand so completely? And what does it mean? Does she want me, just like I want her? Feelings I don’teven know how to describe erupt inside me, filling me with hope and love and a desperate need to see her.
The wall I erected to stop her feelings from drowning me crumbles, but I’m not prepared for the tidal wave of her emotions. I stagger when fear fills my mind and body. Overwhelming fear.
“Something has happened.” I’m already sprinting toward the entrance to the apartment building. After almost ripping the door clean off its hinges, I take the steps three at a time up to her floor. Reaching for her door, I’m prepared to break it down to get to her, but to my shock it opens effortlessly, and I stumble into her apartment.
“Erica!” My voice reverberates through the place as I race from room to room, looking for her. Where is she? As I stand in the doorway to her bathroom, staring into the empty room, my spine turns to ice. She isn’t here.
“Lucas. Kitchen.” Markus’s voice registers, and I turn and run as relief fills me. I missed her in my haste to find her. Thank God.
But as soon as I enter the kitchen, I grind to a halt, looking from Markus to Lyn. “Where is she?”
Markus swears.
Lyn hands me a piece of paper. “There’s a note.”
I grab the paper and read.
He has my brother. I’ve gone to trade my life for David’s. Please, don’t look for me.
I never meant to bite you, and I’m sorry for tying you to me. Hopefully, you’ll find a way around that when I’m gone.
But for what it’s worth, I love you.
A horrible howling noise penetrates my skull and goes on and on. It sounds like a wounded animal. But I can’t seem to be able to open my eyes to look for it. I feel dazed and confused like I’ve taken a serious hit to the head.
“Lucas!” Markus is shouting into my ear, and hands grip my upper arms, shaking me.
The howling stops, and I finally manage to pry my eyes open. I’m sitting on my knees in a kitchen, Markus staring at me with obvious concern. “Lucas! We’ll find her and save her.”
Her. Erica. It all comes flooding back, and it feels like my chest is going to explode from the searing pain. Breathing is difficult, and I’m wheezing as I pull air into my lungs. I realize the howling I heard must have been me. I have to get her back. Nothing else matters.
“Lucas! Focus!”
Yes, that’s a good idea. I have to focus if I’m going to get her back.
I lift my gaze to Markus and nod. Concentrating on my breathing, I feel the tightness in my throat and chest start to ease.
“Erica has a phone. I’ll find her number.” I reach into my pocket to find my phone.