Page 72 of Fire in My Blood
His eyes come back to mine. “But if he hurts himself by resisting our generous help in returning him to his wife and kids, that’s not on me.”
I turn to my brother, narrowing my eyes at him. “Donotput up a fight. Mina and your children need you. I don’t have anyone depending on me.”
“Erica.” David’s shoulders sag, and the pain in his eyes hits me in my chest like a physical blow, but I know I’ve won. Riskinghis wife and children? Even his sister isn’t worth that, and we both know it.
“Go and kiss your family from me. I love all of you so much.” I clench my teeth not to start crying. I need to stay strong, at least until my brother is safe.
My driver unties David’s ankles and helps him stand. My brother’s eyes don’t leave mine until the door closes behind him.
The vampire turns slowly toward me, and the menacing look in his eyes when they land on me almost has me relapsing into fear. I have to concentrate to control my terror and maintain the neutral expression on my face. He’s suddenly right in front of me, reminding me of his exceptional speed, and I tip my head back to look up into his eyes.
My brother warned me not to look into a vampire’s eyes, and it’s probably good advice. But I don’t think this asshole is going to use his power on me. He wants me genuinely terrified of him, and pulling my mind to him doesn’t achieve that.
“You’re mine.” His eyes glow red, and his voice is nothing but a snarl, reminding me of a rabid hellhound. “And if you don’t do what I tell you, I’ll hurt your brother and his family.”
I get the sudden urge to laugh in his face, but I quell the impulse. “I know, and I’ll do what you want as long as you don’t hurt them. But if you do, you’ll have to kill me, because I’ll do whatever I can to make your life as miserable as possible.”
Chapter 44
The vampire stares into my eyes, his nostrils flaring. “I’m Gerard. You will call me that from now on. And as much as I’d like to bend you over and hear you scream for me while I fuck you, we need to go. The ceremony starts as soon as we get there. I want you officially bound to me before dawn.”
He grabs my arm and pulls me roughly toward the door. I don’t put up any resistance but let him lead me out the door and down the corridor.
“Get your ass out here, we’re leaving,” he yells.
A door to the right opens and a woman with long blond hair steps out into the corridor in front of us. She’s exceptionally beautiful, but the evil smile on her face isn’t. After giving me a cursory glance, she turns and walks ahead of us to the exit.
Seeing her makes me realize I never found out how to kill a vampire. All I know is that it’s possible to dispose of them, and I’ll keep that in mind until the opportunity presents itself.
We step out into the quiet night and head straight for a truck parked by the tall fence separating this property from the neighboring one. I didn’t notice the vehicle when I arrived earlier, but I might well have overlooked it.
Gerard yanks open the door to the backseat. “Get in.”
Without responding, I slide into the seat. The blond woman opens the door on the other side and gets in next to me.
I glance at her, but she stares straight ahead without acknowledging me at all. Perhaps she isn’t allowed to becauseI’m Gerard’s. Or perhaps she just doesn’t care for humans like me.
No matter the reason, it’s a relief not having to talk to her. The evil surrounding her is like a bad smell strong enough to make me recoil with disgust.
Gerard heads east, and once again my thoughts take over. I should be scared, but it’s almost like I’ve used the feeling too much, and I just can’t feel it anymore. My heart rate is slow and even, and all I can feel is numb, like none of this concerns me but is happening to someone else.
My thoughts go to Lucas like they have almost constantly since he left me hours ago. According to Markus, I’m Lucas’s mate, so what will happen when Gerard binds me to him? Will I be tied to both of them, or will this bond to Gerard somehow override or annul my bond with Lucas?
Pain rips through my heart again when I consider the possibility that I won’t be mated to Lucas for much longer. But perhaps it’s for the best. At least then Lucas will get his life back and not have to be tied to me forever.
“You’ll be expected to bow before our master. Don’t ever look into his eyes. You’re a mere human and not worthy of meeting his gaze. And put your fucking seatbelt on.” Gerard glares at me in the mirror.
“Okay.” I put on my seatbelt and try to pay attention to where we’re going. But this is not an area I’m familiar with.
After driving for another twenty minutes or so, Gerard turns onto a narrow dirt road winding its way behind some large mansions until we arrive at what looks to be a small farm. The house is old and worn and doesn’t seem like the type of place you would pick for a ceremony. But perhaps that’s exactly why they chose it.
We park next to three other vehicles before Gerard orders us out of the truck. As soon as I close the door, he seizes my upper arm in a firm grip and leads me toward the house.
“I won’t run or make a scene. You can loosen your grip.” My voice comes out more irritated than I intended.
He narrows his eyes at me. “I don’t trust you.”