Page 78 of Fire in My Blood
I envision the fire reaching out toward me and releasing its energy for me to soak up. I breathe the heat into my lungs and let the energy spread to every cell of my body. It feels amazing and almost like it’s working.
“What’s happening to the fire, Master? It seems to be dying, even though there’s plenty of wood left to burn. Is the oxygen level in here too low? That might be why she’s dying.” Gerard is babbling, obviously still anxious for me to survive and become his slave and plaything. Perhaps he won’t get another chance if I die.
“Shut up.” The master’s voice is a sharp hiss. “Are you sure you were not followed?”
“Of course, Master. I was very careful.”
I open my eyes to narrow slits to prevent anyone from noticing. But I’m facing away from Gerard and the master, and there is no one within my range of vision. If the other five vampires are still in the room, I can’t see them.
The fire suddenly sputters and dies down to a mere flicker of flames, and I struggle to see in the darkness. A red glow starts to emanate from the metal door, and it almost looks like it’s moving. But I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that I’m hallucinating after what I’ve been through.
I blink and focus back on the door, and there is no longer any doubt something is happening to it. As I watch in amazement, the door melts to the floor, and Lucas becomes visible standing in the corridor beyond.
I’m momentarily stunned by the sight of Erica lying on the floor. She’s on her side, a pool of vomit right in front of her face. But when my eyes meet hers and a happy smile forms on her face, tears of happiness gather in my eyes. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more beautiful sight in my life.
I don’t like the sight of the vampire crouching right behind her back, though, and the asshole is so close to her that I can’t use my fire to disintegrate him without running the risk of hurting Erica in the process.
“Elemental.” The hissing voice has me lifting my gaze to a hooded figure farther inside the room.
I curse under my breath as I realize I’ve been right this whole time. That’s the brotherhood master.
A scream of rage tears from Lyn, and she and Markus both storm past me in the direction of the hooded vampire. But the master is exceptionally fast, and the other vampires in the room quickly move in front of him to protect him.
Moving slowly forward, I focus my attention on Erica. She hasn’t moved, but her eyes are shining with her smile.
“Stop! She’s mine.” The vampire behind her puts a hand possessively on her hip and narrows his eyes at me. His muscles tense like he’s getting ready to fight me.
Staring at him, I let a wicked grin spread across my face. “No, she’s already bound to me for eternity, and I’ll never let her go.”
My chest expands as Erica’s love fills my body to the brim. And it confirms what I already know. The bond between us is not broken or damaged. It’s stronger than ever.
“Bullshit. We completed the ceremony, and she’s still alive.” His eyes glow red with hate and crazy conviction. He willnever back down, but it doesn’t matter. I was going to kill him anyway.
“She’s alive because she’s immortal and tied to me. Erica cannot die. Now move back. She will never belong to you.” I take a step forward to show him I’m serious.
Erica’s smile widens. “He’s right. I’m his. I’ve bitten him and had his blood, and he’s had mine.” The love in her eyes would have me on my knees begging for her attention if I didn’t have to face off with the idiot behind her. All I want to do is take her away and spend forever making it up to her that I left her.
“No, I don’t believe that.” But there’s a hint of uncertainty in his eyes.
Still smiling at me, Erica moves her hand and puts it on top of the vamp’s hand on her hip.
Jealousy roars through my veins, and I frown at her. What the hell is she doing?
The vampire gives me a cocky evil grin. “I win.”
Erica winks at me and curls her fingers around the vampire’s hand before lifting it from her hip. “Oh, yes, asshole, you’re on fire.”
All I can do is watch in amazement as flames erupt from Erica’s hand and lick up the vampire’s arm. They soon engulf his whole body, and he shrieks in agony and terror as he frantically beats at the flames with his burning hands.
I shoot forward to push him away from Erica. Then, I take her into my arms, turn, and run down the corridor toward the stairs.
“Put me down, Lucas. I’m fine. I can walk.” There’s amusement in her voice.
I slow to a stop before we reach the stairs and quickly scan her body for injuries. She looks fine. After putting herdown on her feet, I take her hands in mine and examine them more closely. Her skin is perfect and soft without any blisters or marks.